
MIT License


Towards Reliable AI: Bias Identification, Prevention and Quality Improvement in Otoscopic Images


This README describes how to reproduce results for the paper "Towards Reliable AI: Bias Identification, Prevention and Quality Improvement in Otoscopic Images".

Data Preparation

  1. Download all the three public datasets.

    • The Chile dataset: https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Ear_imagery_database/11886630
      • Viscaino, Michelle, et al. "Computer-aided diagnosis of external and middle ear conditions: A machine learning approach." Plos one 15.3 (2020): e0229226.
    • The Ohio dataset: https://zenodo.org/records/4558155#.YXYYyC8Ro6U
      • Camalan, Seda, et al. "OtoMatch: Content-based eardrum image retrieval using deep learning." Plos one 15.5 (2020): e0232776.
    • The Turkey dataset: The original data link is currently inaccessible. For data access, please reach out to the author of the paper.
      • Zafer, Cömert. "Fusing fine-tuned deep features for recognizing different tympanic membranes." Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 40.1 (2020): 40-51.
  2. Rename their folder names as 'Chile', 'Ohio', and 'Turkey', respectively.

  3. Put all three datasets in folder DATA_MAIN_DIR=../data/eardrum_public_data.

  4. data_bias_evaluation_framework/metadata/metadata.csv is a dataframe including the relative path, source, class and binary class for each image. To reproduce this dataframe, run data_bias_evaluation_framework/data_bias_evaluation_framework/prepare_dataset/generate_metadata.ipynb.

Data Structure

├── Chile
   ├── Testing
   │   ├── Chronic otitis media
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── Earwax plug
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── Myringosclerosis
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── Normal
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   ├── Training-validation
   │   ├── Chronic otitis media
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── Earwax plug
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── Myringosclerosis
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── Normal
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
├── Ohio
   ├── Tube_Effusion_Normal - 11_7_19
   │   ├── Effusion
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── Normal
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── Tube
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
├── Turkey
   ├── abnormal
   │   ├── aom
   │   │   ├── Test_aom
   │   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   │   ├── ...
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── csom
   │   │   ├── Test_cosm
   │   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   │   ├── ...
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── earVentilationTube
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── earwax
   │   │   ├── Test_earwax
   │   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   │   ├── ...
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── foreignObjectEar
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── otitisexterna
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── pseudoMembranes
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── tympanoskleros
   │   │   ├── Image1
   │   │   ├── ...
   ├── normal
   │   ├── Test_normal
   │   │   ├── Images1
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── Image1
   │   ├── ...

Environment Setup

Our python environment is summarized in requirements.txt. Note that CUDA version = 11.0 for our system, you might want to adjust the file to match your CUDA version.

Quantitative Data Bias Assessment

Counterfactual Experiment I

To repropduce the Counterfactual Experiment I's results on the three public datasets, run the following commands to train a model on the Eclipsed Dataset.

cd data_bias_evaluation_framework/train_model
python run_binary_classification_gen.py --model_name 'vit_b_16_384' --num_epoch 100 --eclipse --eclipse_extent 1.0  --cudaID 0  --elastic_tf  --lr 0.01

Run the following commands to train a model on the original dataset (Eclipsed Extent = 0).

cd data_bias_evaluation_framework/train_model
python run_binary_classification_gen.py --model_name 'vit_b_16_384' --num_epoch 100 --cudaID 0  --elastic_tf  --lr 0.01

Run the notebook data_bias_evaluation_framework/post_training/summarize_result.ipynb to reproduce the visualization.

Counterfactual Experiment II

To repropduce Counterfactual Experiment II's results, run the notebook data_bias_evaluation_framework/train_model/logistic_regression.ipynb

Qualitative Data Bias Assessment

Detect near-duplicate images and images of similar style

Run the notebook data_bias_evaluation_framework/post_training/qualitative_databias_assess.ipynb

Feature embeddings

Note that the feature embeddings were extracted from models stored in data_bias_evaluation_framework/experiment/vit_b_16_384_False_0.0_False_32_1234_100_True_False_0.05_0.01_0_0.9. To train your own models, run the following commands

cd data_bias_evaluation_framework/train_model
python run_binary_classification_cv.py  --model_name 'vit_b_16_384' --num_epoch 100  --cudaID 0  --elastic_tf --lr 0.01

Active Labeling

This part of the paper was based on a private dataset. To prepare your own dataset, use /active_labeling/prepare_dataset/prepare_hierch_dataset.py. The multitask model is available at /active_labeling/models/models_hierch.py. We used the function train_model_multitask in /active_labeling/train_model/train_model.py to train the multitask model.