
This is a Rails API app that is consumed by the Microvago web app to reserve hotel rooms all around the globe


Microvago API

This is a Rails API app that is consumed by the Microvago web app to reserve hotel rooms all around the globe

Microvago API Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Kanban Board 📋

To view the Kanban Board we built for this project please click here.

To view the issue with the Kanban Board screenshots please click here.

There were 5 contributors to this project, you can see their contact information in the Authors section of this document.

Built With ⚙️

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Rubocop
  • Heroku
  • JWT
  • RSpec
  • Rswag
  • PostgreSQL


  • Install Ruby based on your OS from HERE


  1. Clone the project using git-bash or Githup Desktop.
git clone


git clone [email protected]:ShadyShawkat/Final-Capstone-rails-backend.git
  1. Open the project folder with VSCode or any Editor.
  2. Open terminal and navigate to the project folder.
  3. Make sure that your PostgreSQL server is running and you have the ability to establish connection with the database.
  4. Create a new file called local_env.yml in the folder config/ and paste the following code in it:

PG_USERNAME: "YourPostgresUsername" PG_PASSWORD: "YourPostgresPassword" GMAIL_USERNAME: "YourGmailSenderUsername" GMAIL_PASS: "YourGmailSenderPassword" Note: You can use your own gmail account to send emails but first you have to configure 2-Step Authorization and after that you have to configure an APP Password for this specific application. If you want more information about this, GOOGLE IT.

  1. Execute rails db:create to create the database.
  2. Execute rails db:migrate to migrate the database.
  3. Execute rails db:seed to migrate the database.
  4. Run gem install, bundle install and npm install to install all of the project's required dependencies.
  5. Run rails s to start the project's live server and take a look at the terminal to see the URL address it is running on.
  6. If you want to run some unit tests, all you need to do is run the rspec command on your terminal after installing rspec-rails

Documentation 📖

  • Click here to see the documentation of our rails API.

Live Demo 📱

To make requests to this API please click here and follow the API documentation.

Authors 👥

👤 Luis Abarca

👤 Mihreteab Misganaw

👤 Omar Muhammad

👤 Shady Shawkat

👤 Santiago Velosa

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.