
API built during the Rocketseat Bootcamp #11 to serve web and app version

MIT License


[API] GoBarber

Responsible for provide data to the web and mobile front-ends. Permit to register yourself as a provider or a customer, allows customers to see providers free days' hours availability and book with them a barber shop service and also notify by email providers when a book is created. Also the app has rate limit, uses JWT to logins and validation.

Table of Contents


Easy peasy lemon squeezy:

$ yarn


$ npm install

Was installed and configured the eslint and prettier to keep the code clean and patterned.


The application use three databases: Postgres, MongoDB and Redis. For the fastest setup is recommended to use docker-compose, you just need to up all services:

$ docker-compose up -d


Responsible to store almost all application data. If for any reason you would like to create a Postgres container instead of use docker-compose, you can do it by running the following command:

$ docker run --name gobarber-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -p 5432:5432 -d postgres


Remember to run the database migrations:

$ yarn ts-node-dev ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js migration:run


$ yarn typeorm migration:run

See more information on TypeORM Migrations.


Store application's notifications. If for any reason you would like to create a MongoDB container instead of use docker-compose, you can do it by running the following command:

$ docker run --name gobarber-mongo -d -p 27017:27017 mongo


Responsible to store data utilized by the rate limit middleware and the application's cache. If for any reason you would like to create a MongoDB container instead of use docker-compose, you can do it by running the following command:

$ docker run --name gobarber-redis -d -p 6379:6379 redis:alpine


In this file you may configure your Postgres, MongoDB and Redis database connection, JWT settings, email and storage driver and app's urls. Rename the .env.example in the root directory to .env then just update with your settings.

key description default
APP_API_URL Used to mount avatars' urls.
APP_WEB_URL Used to create the reset password link (front-end) sent in the recover password email.
APP_SECRET A alphanumeric random string. Used to create signed tokens. -
MAIL_DRIVER Indicate what email service use to send messages, the possible values are ethereal and ses, to use the SES service remember to to configure the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION keys. ethereal
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY These keys are necessary to AWS allow the application to use the S3 and SES services throught API. See how to get yours keys here: Set up AWS Credentials -
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION You can see your default region in the navigation bar at the top right after login in the AWS Management Console. Read AWS service endpoints to know more about regions. -
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME Amazon S3 stores data as objects within buckets. To create a bucket see Creating a bucket gobarber
POSTGRES_HOST Postgres host. pg
POSTGRES_PORT Postgres port. 5432
POSTGRES_USERNAME Postgres user. postgres
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Postgres password. -
POSTGRES_DATABASE Application's database name. gobarber
MONGO_HOST MongoDB host. mongo
MONGO_PORT MongoDB port. 27017
MONGO_DATABASE MongoDB database name. gobarber
REDIS_HOST Redis host. redis
REDIS_PORT Redis port. 6379
REDIS_PASSWORD Redis password. -
STORAGE_DRIVER Indicate where the users's avatar will be stored, the possible values are disk and s3, to store into S3 remember to configure all the AWS_* keys. disk

Rate Limit (Optional)

The project comes pre-configured, but you can adjust it as your needs.

  • src/config/rate_limit.ts
key description default
duration Number of seconds before consumed points are reset. 300
points Maximum number of points can be consumed over duration. 10

The lib rate-limiter-flexible was used to rate the api's limits, for more configuration information go to Options page.


To start up the app run:

$ yarn dev:server


npm run dev:server


All the routes with pagination returns 30 records per page, to navigate to other pages just send the page query parameter with the number of the page.

  • To get the third page of providers:
GET http://localhost:3333/providers?page=3

Link Header

Also in the headers of every route with pagination the Link header is returned with links to first, last, next and prev (previous) page.

<http://localhost:3333/providers?page=7>; rel="last",
<http://localhost:3333/providers?page=4>; rel="next",
<http://localhost:3333/providers?page=1>; rel="first",
<http://localhost:3333/providers?page=2>; rel="prev"

See more about this header in this MDN doc: Link - HTTP.


Another header returned in routes with pagination, this bring the total records amount.

Bearer Token

A few routes expect a Bearer Token in an Authorization header.

You can see these routes in the routes section.

POST http://localhost:3333/appointments Authorization: Bearer <token>

To achieve this token you just need authenticate through the /sessions route and it will return the token key with a valid Bearer Token.


route HTTP Method pagination params description auth method
/sessions POST Body with user's email and password. Authenticates user, return a Bearer Token and user's id and email.
/users POST Body with user's email and password. Create new users.
/profile GET - Logged in user profile. Bearer
/profile PUT Body with user name, email, old_password, password and password_confirmation. Update user. Bearer
/users/avatar PATCH Multipart payload with a avatar field with a image (See insomnia file for good example). Update user avatar. Bearer
/appointments POST Body with appointment provider_id and date. Create a new appointment. Bearer
/appointments/schedule GET day, month and year query parameters. Return user's scheduled appointments in a specific date. Bearer
/providers GET ✔️ page query parameter. Lists providers. Bearer
/providers/:id/month_availability GET month and year query parameters. List month's days availability Bearer
/providers/:id/day_availability GET day, month and year query parameters. List a specific day availability. Bearer
/password/forgot POST Body with user's email. Send to user the reset password email.
/password/reset POST Body with user's new password and password_confirmation. Reset user's password.

Routes with Bearer as auth method expect an Authorization header. See Bearer Token section for more information.


  • POST /session

Request body:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "123456"
  • POST /users

Request body:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "123456"
  • PUT /profile

Request body:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "old_password": "123456",
  "password": "123456789",
  "password_confirmation": "123456789"
  • PATCH /users/avatar

Image file

  • POST /appointments

Request body:

  "provider_id": "01931fee-32d4-4af7-b4e9-12159c5d703e",
  "date": "2020-11-20 15:00:00"
  • POST /password/forgot

Request body:

  "email": "[email protected]"
  • POST /password/reset

Request body:

  "password": "123456",
  "password_confirmation": "123456",
  "token": "6878f9b2-eb7c-4ad6-ac72-66d958f117c2"

Running the tests

Jest was the choice to test the app, to run:

$ yarn test


$ npm run test

Coverage report

You can see the coverage report inside test/coverage. They are automatically created after the tests run.