
Application built during the Rocketseat GoStack Bootcamp

MIT License


[API] Meetapp

Responsible for provide data to the web and mobile front-ends. Allow users to create their meetups' and/or subscribe to from other users. The app has, pagination, pagination's link header (to previous, next, first and last page), friendly errors, use JWT to logins, validation, also a simple versioning was made.

Table of Contents


Easy peasy lemon squeezy:

$ yarn


$ npm install

Was installed and configured the eslint and prettier to keep the code clean and patterned.


The application uses two databases: Postgres and Redis. For the fastest setup is recommended to use docker-compose, you just need to up all services:

$ docker-compose up -d


Responsible to store data utilized by the mail queue. If for any reason you would like to create a Redis container instead of use docker-compose, you can do it by running the following command:

$ docker run --name meetapp-redis -d -p 6379:6379 redis:alpine


Responsible to store all application data. If for any reason you would like to create a Postgres container instead of use docker-compose, you can do it by running the following command:

$ docker run --name meetapp-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -p 5432:5432 -d postgres


Remember to run the Postgres database migrations:

$ npx sequelize db:migrate


$ yarn sequelize db:migrate

See more information on Sequelize Migrations.


Optionally you can fill the database with some random data:

$ npx sequelize db:seed:all


$ yarn sequelize db:seed:all


In this file you may configure your Redis database connection, JWT settings, the environment, app's port and a url to documentation (this will be returned with error responses, see error section). Rename the .env.example in the root directory to .env then just update with your settings.

key description default
APP_URL App's url. http://localhost
APP_PORT Port number where the app will run. 3333
NODE_ENV App environment. development
JWT_SECRET A alphanumeric random string. Used to create signed tokens. -
JWT_EXPIRATION_TIME How long time will be the token valid. See jsonwebtoken repo for more information. 7d
DB_HOST Postgres host. pg
DB_PORT Postgres port. 5432
DB_USER Postgres user. -
DB_PASS Postgres password. -
DB_NAME meetapp
MAIL_HOST SMTP service's host.
MAIL_PORT SMTP service's port. 2525
MAIL_USER SMTP service's user -
MAIL_PASS SMTP service's password -
REDIS_HOST Redis host. redis
REDIS_PORT Redis port. 6379
SEQUELIZE_LOG Indicates whether sequelize query operation logs should be shown. 0
DOCS_URL An url to docs where users can find more information about the app's internal code errors.


To start up the app run:

$ yarn dev:server


npm run dev:server

Also the application has a mail queue, to setup it just remember to run:

$ npm run queue


$ yarn queue

The mail queue send emails to meetups' owner notifying when a user subscribes to it

Error Handling

Instead of only throw a simple message and HTTP Status Code this API return friendly errors:

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Token not provided",
  "code": 441,
  "docs": ""

Errors are implemented with @hapi/boom. As you can see a url to error docs are returned too. To configure this url update the DOCS_URL key from .env file. In the next sub section (Errors Reference) you can see the errors code description.

Errors Reference

code message description
140 Past dates are not permited You can't created meetup with past dates.
141 The provided banner does not exists The banner_id sent does not references an existing file in the database.
142 You can't edit past meetups Is not permitted update past meetups.
143 You can't remove past meetups Past meetup can't be deleted.
144 Meetup does not exists The provided meetup does not exists.
240 Meetup does not exists or is owned by the provided user Is not possible to create a subscripton from a meetup that not exists or a meetup owned by yourself.
241 You can't subscribe to a past meetup Is not possible to subscribe to past meetups.
242 You are already subscribed to this meetup or there is another meetup in the same time Conflict or hours or you are already subscribed.
244 Meetup or user does not exists You are trying delete a subscription from a meetup or user that not exists.
340 Password does not match You are trying to update the password with wrong old password.
341 Email already in use Email is already registered by another user.
440 Password does not match Wrong password when trying to login.
441 Token not provided The JWT token was not sent.
442 Token invalid The JWT token provided is invalid or expired.
444 User not found The JWT token not correspond to existing user.


All the routes with pagination returns 20 records per page, to navigate to other pages just send the page query parameter with the number of the page.

  • To get the third page of meetups:
GET http://localhost:3333/v1/meetups?page=3

Link Header

Also in the headers of every route with pagination the Link header is returned with links to first, last, next and prev (previous) page.

<http://localhost:3333/v1/meetups?page=7>; rel="last",
<http://localhost:3333/v1/meetups?page=4>; rel="next",
<http://localhost:3333/v1/meetups?page=1>; rel="first",
<http://localhost:3333/v1/meetups?page=2>; rel="prev"

See more about this header in this MDN doc: Link - HTTP.


Another header returned in routes with pagination, this bring the total records amount.

Bearer Token

A few routes expect a Bearer Token in an Authorization header.

You can see these routes in the routes section.

GET http://localhost:3333/v1/subscriptions Authorization: Bearer <token>

To achieve this token you just need authenticate through the /sessions route and it will return the token key with a valid Bearer Token.


A simple versioning was made. Just remember to set after the host the /v1/ string to your requests.

GET http://localhost:3333/v1/subscriptions


route HTTP Method pagination params description auth method
/sessions POST Body with user's email and password. Authenticates user, return a Bearer Token and user's id and email.
/users POST Body with user's name, email and password. Create new users.
/users PUT Body with user's name, email and old_password, password and confirm_password. Update an existing users. Bearer
/files POST Multipart payload with a file field with a image (See insomnia file for good example). Upload meetup banner. Bearer
/meetups GET ✔️ page query parameter. Lists meetups. Bearer
/meetups POST Body with meetup's banner_id date, description, localization and title. Create a new meetup. Bearer
/meetups PUT Body with meetup's banner_id date, description, localization and title. Update a meetup. Bearer
/meetups/:id DELETE id of the meetup. Delete a meetup. Bearer
/scheduled GET - Lists logged in user's meetups. Bearer
/scheduled/:id GET id of the meetup. Show one logged in user's meetup. Bearer
/subscriptions GET ✔️ - Lists logged in user's subscriptions. Bearer
/subscriptions POST Body with subscription's meetup_id. Subscribe yourself to a meetup. Bearer
/subscriptions DELETE Body with subscription's meetup_id. Unsubscribe yourself from a meetup. Bearer

Routes with Bearer as auth method expect an Authorization header. See Bearer Token section for more information.


  • POST /session

Request body:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "123456"
  • POST /users

Request body:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "password": "123456"
  • PUT /users

Request body:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "old_password": "123456",
  "password": "123456789",
  "confirm_password": "123456789"
  • POST /files

Image file

  • POST /meetups

Request body:

  "banner_id": 1,
  "date": "2020-12-30",
  "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
  "localization": "4795 Denesik Throughway Kaileefurt, NC 07927-4723",
  "title": "Creative Planner"
  • PUT /meetups

Request body:

  "banner_id": 1,
  "date": "2020-12-31",
  "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
  "localization": "64504 Stehr Motorway Tellyfort, IL 33915-6894",
  "title": "Lead Quality Director"
  • PUT /subscriptions

Request body:

  "meetup_id": 1,

Running the tests

Jest was the choice to test the app, to run:

$ yarn test


$ npm run test

Coverage report

You can see the coverage report inside tests/coverage. They are automatically created after the tests run.