
This REST API was built with Ruby on Rails, and Postgres for the databases as the final project at Microverse. With this API, houses can be added to database manually and favourites can be added by users.


Find your house API

This REST API was built with Ruby on Rails, and Postgres for the databases as the final project at Microverse. With this API, houses can be added to database manually and favourites can be added by users.To see the fron-end of this app please check this link

Main Features

  • The database has 3 tables User,House and Favourite
  • User table has username and using Devise for authentication
  • House table has name, description, price, image, built_date, number_of_rooms, location
  • Favourite belongs to House and User tables
  • Houses and Favourites can be seen only by authorized users
  • To authorize users, this app uses JWT and Devise
  • For cross site policy Rack-cors was used


  • The frontend of this project created by me and can be found in github.

Built with

  • Ruby
  • Ruby on rails

Getting Started

  • Clone the repo
  • cd into the project
  • Run git pull origin app
  • To install all dependencies and necessary gems, run bundle installl, yarn install
  • Run rails db:setup
  • Run rails server to run rails application in your local server
  • To run tests write bundle exec rspec on the terminal


Murodjon Tursunpulatov


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Feel free to check the issues page.

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MIT License