
Wikonnect seeks to bridge the digital divide through the provision of digital literacy skills. Management support through Asha (www.asha.io).

MIT License



Wikonnect is an open-source e-learning platform designed to allow anyone to learn, create educational content, and contribute to building the platform as a designer or a software developer. The initial courses offered on the platform will be around digital literacy, to get more people using the internet in more productive ways. Developed by Tunapanda Institute in Nairobi, Kenya. The original platform (called 'Swag') was used to provide technology, design, and business training in low-income communities with low bandwidth.

Come say hi 👋 on our Wikonnect Community Discord Server!

Getting Started

The frontend is developed using Ember.js. We recommend getting started with Ember by going through the tutorials.

The backend is developed using KoaJS. The API docs are hosted at tunapanda.github.io/wikonnect

Wikonnect Tech Stack

Development setup

  • Clone the project using Git into your workspace:
  git clone https://github.com/tunapanda/wikonnect.git
  • Proceed to set up the development environment manually or using Docker.

Docker project setup


  • Docker Engine
Docker engine installation
Starting a development server
  1. If your Docker engine instance is running on your terminal, navigate into the project root directory:
cd wikonnect/
  1. Copy the .env-sample configuration file to .env. (Never commit this file)

  2. Update the above .env file configurations to match your desired setup.

  3. Build and run the project container services using the docker-compose command:

      docker-compose up --build

NOTE The NODE_ENV should be set as development to allow live reload on code changes.

Manual project setup


  • Node.js v14.16.0
  • PostgreSQL database server
Setting up Node.js

Follow instructions on how to download and install Node.js based on your operating system from the official Node.js website.

Ensure you install Node v14.16.0

Setting up PostgreSQL

Create a postgres user (with password), and set up a database for the project (Don't forget to grant privileges to the user on the database!). :

=# CREATE USER wikonnect_user WITH PASSWORD 'password';
=# CREATE DATABASE wikonnect;
=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE wikonnect TO wikonnect_user;

Starting a development server

Install the project-wide dependencies on the root project directory...

cd wikonnect/
Backend (API) setup

Backend set up steps:

  1. Navigate into the server directory

    cd server/
  2. Install the backend dependencies

  3. Copy the database configuration file server/config/db.example.js to server/config/db.js

  4. Replace the database configuration to match your development database. (Do not use the development database in a production environment)

    development: {
        host: 'localhost',
        database: 'my_database',
        user: 'my_user',
        password: 'my_password',
  5. Copy the email configuration file server/config/email.example.js to server/config/email.js

  6. You can use Mailtrap for an email sandbox environment. Set up a mailtrap.io account and copy the credentials provided for Nodemailer setup into the development section of the server/config/email.js file eg:

    development: {
        provider: "smtp.mailtrap.io",
        auth: {
          user: "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
          pass: "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        defaultFrom: process.env.FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS,
  7. Assuming the Postgres server is ready and above configuration credentials are correct, run the latest migrations (defined in server/migrations):

     yarn db:init
  8. Optionally, one can populate the database with dummy data (defined in server/db/seeds) by running:

     yarn db:seed
  9. If the above steps were successful, you can finally start the backend server

    yarn start

NOTE: You can safely ignore any Elasticsearch connection error.

Frontend setup

Frontend set up steps:

  1. Navigate into the frontend directory
    cd frontend/
  2. Install the frontend dependencies
  3. Start the frontend server
    yarn start
  4. If the above steps were successful, navigate to your favorite browser and go to http://localhost:4200/ to see the running

NOTE: For easy Ember addons installation and project files generation using available blueprints, we highly recommend installing Ember CLI globally:

yarn install -g ember-cli

UI/UX Designs



Admin Dashboard



This project is licensed under MIT. See the license file for details

Authors 🧙


UI/UX Designers

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):