
A mysqldump-like tool for Microsoft SQL Server

MS-RL License



Quick Reference

.\GetMsSqlDump.ps1 [-server servername] [-db dbname]
   -table tablename [-query "customquery"] [-username username -password password]
   [-file filename] [-dateformat dateformat] [-schema] [-format "mysql|mssql" -noautocommit]
   [-replace "@{PSObject}" [-condense] [-lock] [-delete] [-append|-overwrite]
   [-noidentity] [-debug] [-help] [-?]


This is a tool which enables you to dump the content of one or more tables into a text file in the form of INSERT INTO statements, allowing you to archive/transfer/review/modify the data in an easy and convenient way.


All parameters must be prefixed with a single hyphen. e.g. -server sql1.

Parameter Description Default Value
server Name of database server to connect, port other than 1433 should be added with a comma (e.g. SQL01,1435). At the moment, protocols cannot be specified localhost
db Name of the database to connect to. If missing, the user's default database will be used N/A
table Name of table(s) to dump. You can use the * (asterisk) as wildcard which will be translated into the % wildcard during pattern matching. Note that the schema (or owner in pre-SQL 2005 versions) is part of the name. Wildcards work with pre-SQL 2005 versions now. If you want to dump all the tables, just type a *. If you use a custom query, tablename will be the name of the new pseudo-table the insert commands will target. N/A
query An arbitrary SQL query which returns one or more result set(s). In case of multiple result sets the first result set will get the name specified by the table parameter, the subsequent ones will get the specified name suffixed by an underscore and the 0-based ordinal of the result set. That is, if you specified tbl as the table name and you have 3 result sets, theyll be called tbl, tbl_1 and tbl_2. If you dont specify a tablename, the built-in default is Qry. If you dont specify column names for computed columns, theyll get the name column<ordinal> name where <ordinal> shows the ordinal of the column among the unnamed columns. N/A
username SQL login name if SQL authentication is used. If no value given, Windows integrated authentication will be used and the password parameter will be ignored. N/A
password Password of the SQL login specified in the username parameter. If no username was specified, this parameter will be ignored. N/A
file Destination of the dump file. If omitted, dump will be redirected to stdout. If the file already exists, either the append or the overwrite switch should be specified. Submitting both switches results in script abortion to avoid ambiguous situations and unintentional data loss. N/A
dateformat Format of datetime fields in tables. For all the options please refer to the MSDN "Custom DateTime Format Strings" on the web. For basic tutorial, go down to the dateformat options section. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FF
format Destination database dump format to influence platform-specific commands. (e.g. mysql, mssql) N/A
buffer Number of records to hold in memory before writing to file, affects performance. Set to 0 to disable. 1024
replace Object used for field replacement e.g. @{ "Table" = @{ "Field" = @{ "'Old Value'" = "'New Value'" } } }. If JSON is preferred, @{ replace = (Get-Content "my.json" | ConvertFrom-Json) } can be used instead. N/A


Switches are Boolean parameters without arguments, if they present, their value will be true.

All switched must be prefixed with a single hyphen. e.g. -append -overwrite -debug.

Switch Description
schema Dumps the table CREATE statements only without any INSERT statements
append Dump will be appended to the file specified by file parameter.
overwrite Dump will overwrite the file specified by file parameter.
noidentity Identity values won't be dumped. This way you can add the rows to a table with the same identity column specification. If no identity column exists in the table, the switch will be ignored.
allowdots Disable the replacement of dots . in a table name with underscores _.
pointfromtext Use PointFromText attempts to convert SqlGeography POINT(x y) values using PointFromText('POINT(x y)') WKT (well-known-text) conversion
noautocommit Instructs the dump file to commit all lines at once. May speed up processing time. Ignored if -format is not provided.
condense Condense multiple INSERT INTO statements into single statements. Significant performance boost; debugging becomes difficult.
lock Add table lock instructions to dump file. Recommended to combine with -noautocommit.
delete Use with caution. Adds a DELETE FROM <table>; to the beginning of the dump file.
debug Prints way more characters to your screen than you'd like to. If something didn't work in the way you expected, or you want to submit a bug, run your statement with the debug switch.
version Prints the version information and exits.
help or ? Prints this short help. Ignores all other parameters.


Example 1

Dump the content of the table Person.Address (omitting the identity column) from the db AdventureWorks on server SQL01 and will write it into the file C:\Documents\Address.sql. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten and all of its content will be lost.

.\GetMsSqlDump.ps1 -server SQL01 -db AdventureWorks table Person.Address file C:\Documents\Address.sql overwrite noidentity
  • Shorthand

    • Same thing as Example 1, but a uses a shorthand techique. In PowerShell, you must specify just enough characters from the parameter name to make it unambiguous for the shell. You can even omit the parameter names if you specified all the parameters in the expected order.
    .\GetMsSqlDump.ps1 -s SQL01 -d AdventureWorks -t Person.Address -f C:\Documents\Address.sql -o -n

Example 2

Dump all the tables under the Person schema in SQL 2005 and above. Warning: Inconsistent behavior. Dumps the tables owned by the Person user in SQL 2000 and below.

GetMsSqlDump.ps1 -server SQL01 -db AdventureWorks table Person.* file C:\Documents\PersonSchema.sql overwrite noidentity

Example 3

Run the specified query and save its result as an dump file like above but as INSERT commands into the CustomTable table.

GetMsSqlDump.ps1 -server SQL01 -db AdventureWorks table CustomTable query select top 100 contactID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName from Person.Contact file C:\Documents\PersonSchema.sql overwrite noidentity

Additional information

Default parameters

All the parameter defaults can be set at the very beginning of the script.

Dateformat options

The dateformat string can be built from strings specifying the formatting of individual dateparts. The string is case sensitive, for example m is for minute and M is for Month.

Unit Code Description Format Notes
Year y Year y|yy|yyy|yyyy
Month M Month as number or name, depending M|MM|MMM|MMMM MMM is abbreviated month name. MMMM is full month name
Day d Day d|dd|ddd|dddd dd is 01-31. ddd is day name abbreviated. dddd is full day name
Hour h Hour h|hh hh is 01-12
Hour H Hour in 24-hour format H|HH H is 0-23. HH is 00-23
AM/PM t AM or PM t|tt t is A or P. tt is AM or PM
Minute m Minute m|mm m is 0-59. mm is 00-59
Second s Second s|ss s is 0-59. ss is 00-59
Fragment f Fragment seconds with trailing zeros f|ff|fff|ffff
Fragment F Fragment seconds without trailing zeros F|FF|FFF|FFFF
Timezone z Timezone information z|zz|zzz z and zz are hours only. zzz is hours:minutes.