
Make Full & Partial Disk-to-Disk Archives.

MIT License




Utility for archiving files from a specified folder (excluding any specified subfolders, files, or file types), creating Full backups every N days, and Partial backups in between.

Each time the module is executed (Backup-FolderContents), it determines whether a Full or Partial backup should be performed based on the date/time and type (full/partial) of the last backup.

Full Backups

  • Created when no previous full backup exists, otherwise every N days ($FullBackupInterval)
  • Created only if there is at least one changed file since the last full backup
  • Archives ALL eligible (not excluded) files, regardless of their last change date/time

Partial Backups

  • Created in the interim time between full backups
  • Archives only files changed since the last (full or partial) backup

NOTE: The archive operation will fail if files are read-locked (in use).


PsBackupUril has no external dependencies!

Install directly from the official Powershell Gallery:

PS> Install-Module -Name PsBackupUtil

Ways to Use the Module

  • To make the module available whenever you open a PS prompt: modify the PowerShell profile script, Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 (in C:\Users\<user>\Documents\PowerShell. Create the file if it doesn't exist).
    And add the following line in the file:
    Import-Module C:\path\to\BackupUtil\BackupUtil.psd1 -Force
  • To archive a preset group of folders, create a script that uses the module to backup folders (see Samples section below).
  • To run the archive script on a schedule, create a scheduled task (e.g. Windows Scheduler, cron job) to run your backup script (e.g. daily, after you login each day).

Archive Name

The archive files are compressed Zip files, named using the following convention:


  • Base-Name ::= User specified, or if unspecified, name of source folder to be archived. NOTE: Any '-' char in the base name will be replaced with '_'
  • y, M, d, H, m, s ::= Component parts of the current date/time (in 24-hour format)
  • Archive-Mode-Marker ::= 'Full' | 'Part' | <blank>
  • Extension ::= User sepcified (default: 'zip')


Parameter Required Data Type Default Description
$BaseName string Name of folder specified in $SourceFolder The Base Name for the archive file
$SourceFolder True string Path to folder containing files to be backed up
$DestinationFolder True string Path to folder where archive file for the backup will be placed
$Extension string 'zip' Archive file extension
$FullBackupInterval int 7 Number of days between full backups
$RemovePartialsAfterFull bool False Remove prior period partial backup file(s) after creating a full-backup. CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED
$FullBackupMarker string 'Full' Marker text to use for Full backup archive names
$PartialBackupMarker string 'Part' Marker text to use for Partial backup archive names
$IgnoreFolders string array Names of folders to omit from the backup
$IgnoreFileTypes string array File types (ex: '*.zip') to omit from the backup
$IgnoreFiles string array Names of specific files (name & extension, no path) to omit from the backup


Here's a sample script that uses the BackupUtil module to backup project files.


##Requires -Module BackupUtil

$project = "MySampleProject"
$srcRoot = Join-Path "C:\Projects" $project
$dstRoot = Join-Path "D:\Archives\Projects" $project

# backup project source code...
$FoldersToIgnore = @(
    "obj", "bin", ".vs", ".git",
    "packages", "node_modules", "wwwroot"
$FileTypesToIgnore = @("*.zip", "*.user", "*.msi")
$FilesToIgnore = @()

$nam = "ProjectCode"
$dir = "src"
$src = Join-Path $srcRoot $dir
$dst = Join-Path $dstRoot $dir

Backup-FolderContents `
    -BaseName = $nam `                      # the base name of the archive file (SourceFolder folder name used if omitted)
    -SourceFolder $src `                    # root folder containing files that will be backed up
    -DestinationFolder $dst `               # root folder where archived files will be backed up to
    -FullBackupInterval 10 `                # number of days between full backups
    -IgnoreFolders $FoldersToIgnore `       # list of folders to ignore (not backup)
    -IgnoreFileTypes $FileTypesToIgnore `   # List of file types to ignore (not backup)
    -IgnoreFiles $FilesToIgnore `           # List of specific files to ignore (not backup)
    -Verbose -Debug

# backup project docs...
$FoldersToIgnore = @()
$FileTypesToIgnore = @()
$FilesToIgnore = @()

$nam = "ProjectDocs"
$dir = "docs"
$src = Join-Path $srcRoot $dir
$dst = Join-Path $dstRoot $dir

Backup-FolderContents `
    -BaseName = $nam `                      # the base name of the archive file (SourceFolder folder name used if omitted)
    -SourceFolder $src `                    # root folder containing files that will be backed up
    -DestinationFolder $dst `               # root folder where archived files will be backed up to
    -FullBackupInterval 10 `                # number of days between full backups
    -IgnoreFolders $FoldersToIgnore `       # list of folders to ignore (not backup)
    -IgnoreFileTypes $FileTypesToIgnore `   # List of file types to ignore (not backup)
    -IgnoreFiles $FilesToIgnore `           # List of specific files to ignore (not backup)
    -Verbose -Debug


MIT License

Extracted from project README
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