
A simple versioning backup tool written in PowerShell.

GPL-3.0 License



One day, I was so mad at a backup vendor and at Windows Server Backup, that I wrote my own simple backup tool in PowerShell.

Apple's Time Machine and rsync were the inspirations for this:

  • Versioned: Every time the tool runs, a new folder tree is created.
  • Secure: Old backups are never added to nor modified by this tool.
  • Simple: It creates entire, browseable folder trees at the destination that require no tools to restore from.
  • Efficient: Only changed files are copied from the source to the destination; unchanged files are added with filesystem-level hard links.


  1. The system must be running PowerShell Core or at least Windows PowerShell 5.
  2. Ideally, your backup destination should support hard links. If not, backups will use a lot of space.

How to Use It

Like this:

.\PSTimeMachine.ps1 -SourcePath C:\Shares\SomeShare -DestinationPath D:\BackupsOfSomeShare

For help:

Get-Help .\PSTimeMachine.ps1


Please do!

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