
Brain dead simple audio piper with ALSA

APACHE-2.0 License



Brain dead simple audio piper with ALSA

What do I do with this?

This is simply my set up on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian that allows me to pipe in the audio in from a Griffin iMic USB audio dongle to a USB Harmon Kardon Soundsticks speaker system.

Included is a python script that depends on python-alsasound that does the equivalent of piping audio data from one device to another.


python-alsasound 0.8.2

sudo apt-get install python-dev libasound2-dev
git clone
cd pyalsaaudio
python build
sudo python install


cd ~
git clone
cd alsa-audio-pipe


./ --input imic --output soundsticks --floor-noise 0

Replace imic and soundsticks with your device names (see below on setting up audio if you have problems.)

Enabling on boot (rc.d style)

For enabling on Debian/Raspbian Wheezy which uses init.d/rc.d style init scripts, do the following:

sudo cp alsa-audio-pipe /etc/init.d
# Option 1. Install using chkconfig
sudo chkconfig --add alsa-audio-pipe
# Option 2. Install using update-rc.d
sudo update-rc.d alsa-audio-pipe defaults

To start and stop the service

# start the alsa-audio-pipe
sudo service alsa-audio-pipe start
# Stop the alsa-audio-pipe
sudo service alsa-audio-pipe stop

Enabling service on boot (systemd style)

For more modern distributions, like Debian Jessie that uses systemd style.

sudo cp alsa-audio-pipe.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable alsa-audio-pipe
sudo systemctl start alsa-audio-pipe

To start and stop the service

# start the alsa-audio-pipe
sudo systemctl start alsa-audio-pipe
# Stop the alsa-audio-pipe
sudo systemctl stop alsa-audio-pipe stop

Audio Setup

ALSA just works straight out of the box once you install everything, I made some additional changes to /etc/asound.conf to point to alias the devices to order-independent names:

# This will create an ALSA card named 'soundsticks' that maps to the SoundSticks card's PCM
pcm.soundsticks {
  type hw
  card "SoundSticks"
  device 0

# This will create an ALSA card named 'imic' that maps to the Griffin iMic PCM
pcm.imic {
  type hw
  card "system"
  device 0

# Default to SoundSticks as the default audio device.
defaults.pcm.!card "SoundSticks"
defaults.ctl.!card "SoundSticks"

Adjust volume


Store and copy volume for next restart

sudo alsactl store
sudo cp /var/lib/alsa/asound.state /etc/asound.state