
Python Flask application skeleton with an input form, using gunicorn and with a Dockerfile template



Flask Python application example/skeleton/template, which can be run in production using Gunicorn. It includes the corresponding Dockerfile example to easily containerize your application (check the Docker section).

I am NOT a software developer nor do I want to be one. I think this skeleton can help transition from a machine learning model into a machine learning application, where end users (not data scientist or analysts) can actually make effective use of your model advice.

The application demonstrates several uses, just pick and choose the parts depending on your requirements. Perhaps you are not interested in having an UI, then the endpoint example in the iris case (check the section Model prediction example) together with the Gunicorn extension of the Flask app is what you need.

There are two examples, the first is just a dummy example of how to ingest a user's input of different types. The second example runs a classifier which predicts the type of iris flower depending on input from a html form, it also provides some extra output related to the model used.


  • Flask application containing a dummy example and another example using a RandomForestCassifier (Iris Wizard) in app/
  • Input form with many input types examples app/templates/input_dummy.html.
  • Input form for the Iris classifierapp/templates/input_iris.html.
  • Interactive layout which generates output from the input forms.
  • Class wrapper to extend the Flask application using Gunicorn app/resources/
  • Example class which handles the dummy form submission app/resources/
  • Example class which handles the iris form submission app/resources/
  • Function which runs a Flask application using Gunicorn, and handles multiple command line arguments app/
  • Folder with all necessary files for putting the application into a Docker container docker.

Run application

First create the python environment using conda

conda env create -f environment.yml

Then activate the environment

source activate appskeleton

And install the dummypackage by executing

python install

Once you are building your own package you should keep a similar structure as best practice. You can read more about it (here)[].

To run the application execute the command

python app/ [Options]

where Options are a few of Gunicorn's possible optional settings. To see which settings can be specified execute python app/ --help. Except for the --debug argument (more in the Run in debug mode section), all others have a one-to-one relationship with a Gunicorn setting.

By default if running without options python, loglevel will be set to info, workers and threads to 1, and the application will be hosted in localhost under port 5000.

Note if running in production: Check out the different options, specially, workers, workers type, threads, access log, error log and daemon mode.

Here is a list of all Gunicorn's settings, including the default values.

Run in debug mode

In short, by running in debug mode you will use a single process, log level will be set to debug and process will restart when code or html changes.

You can run in debug mode by executing

python --debug

this will ovewrite the following Gunicorn settings:

  • loglevel = 'debug'
  • reload = True
  • threads = 1
  • workers = 1
  • worker_class = 'sync'

In addition it will overwrite some Flask configuration settings

  • app.jinja_env.auto_reload = True
  • app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True

Run as native Flask application

If you still want to run the application as a native Flask application without gunicorn you can do that by executing

export FLASK_APP=app/; flask run [Options]

in this case the Options are more limited. More information can be found here.


Inside the docker directory I have included a simple Dockerfile to build and run the docker image of our application.

To build the docker image execute from the root diretory of this repository

docker build --build-arg port=PORT -t app-skeleton -f Dockerfile .

where PORTshould be replaced by the port number dedicated for your application. After building the image succesfully, you can run the container on the foreground by executing

docker run -p PORT:PORT app-skeleton --host --port PORT

where PORT is the same port number as above. If you wish to run the container in the background execute

docker run -d -p PORT:PORT app-skeleton --host --port PORT

The above options --host and --port PORT are the minimum requirements to view your application by opening you browser and going to the url address

If the application will be running in production you can still send to the run command the same aguments as before

docker run -d -p PORT:PORT app-skeleton --host --port PORT [OPTIONS]

Model prediction example

The model example consist on the classification of the iris dataset. The model is trained when the application starts such that there is no need training time lost when a user submits a new request (an idea here is to have a refresh endpoint which re-trains the model on demand with new data for example).

By pressing the button Abrakadabra the prediction and other related information is generated, as the figures below show.

A similar post request can be made to the same endpoint returning a different reponse, in this case just the name of the class predicted. This is useful if you plan to make the API available to other applications. This can be tested with the following example, by executing (if application is running on localhost)

in the command line

curl --data "petal_length_cm=1&petal_width_cm=1&sepal_length_cm=1&sepal_width_cm=1" http://localhost:5000/iris-wizard

or in python

request = {'petal_length_cm': 1,
           'petal_width_cm': 1,
           'sepal_length_cm': 1,
           'sepal_width_cm': 1}'http://localhost:5000/iris-wizard', data=request).json()
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