
Arduino Hosted Python module, allows to rapid-prototype simple Arduino microcontroller applications on desktop computer. Unlike many other Python wrappers, this provides syntax as close as possible to Arduino.


Arduino Hosted Python module

This Python module provides Arduino-like API to control a microcontroller development board via firmware running on a board and accepting/executing commands from a host computer.

As the protocol, extended BusPirate-like text protocol is used, as implemented by following projects:

(both projects are forks of corresponding projects by Joby Taffey,

The projects above support Arduino variants and other AVR-based boards, and TI Launchpad (and possibly other MSP430-based boards), consequently Arduino Hosted also supports these boards.

The module supports original functional-style Arduino API, as well as object-oriented API, which allows for example to interface with 2 or more board simultaneously (which is useful for experimenting with radio modules for example).


There are number examples provided to show usage. Let's analyze closer:

import arduino
from arduino import *

It should be done like that: first import module into its own namespace, and initialize it, and only then import symbols into your own namespace. That's because definitions of some symbols (e.g. LED) are board-dependent, so they are initialized only in init() method. Such trick is needed only for functional API. One advantage of OO API is that proper dependency injection is done explicitly.

def setup():
    pinMode(LED, OUTPUT)

Standard Arduino API setup handler function. LED is defined to pin connected to LED on a specific board (pin13 on Arduino, p1.0 on TI Launchpad, etc.).

def loop():
    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH)
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW)

Standard loop handler.

This is another idiom how to actually start execution of the code (again, etc. slightly different for OO API).


Q: Why BusPirate text underlying protocol is used? A: The main purpose of this project was to help (beginners first of all) to explore Arduino, other boards, and new chips/modules/shields connected to them. The idea is that someone starts exploring using direct terminal mode of BusPirate and when feels like wanting to program it, switches to Arduino Hosted, while still being able to have easy insight of what's going behind the scenes (by activating debug mode). In this respect, both BusPirate protocol and Arduino API are well-established and easy-to-use interfaces.

Q: BusPirate also has binary protocol... A: Human readability/writability of underlying protocol was the original requirement for this library, see above question. Of course, soon I faced problems due to that, in particular with TI Launchpad, which has poor UART interface implementation. But BusNinja doesn't implement binary protocol. Also, BusPirate has inherent limitation - it allows to use only one bus at a time. So, something more scalable would be required anyway.

Q: Why not Firmata? A: To start with, immediate need for this lib was to interface with SPI devices, and at the time of writing, Firmata didn't support it, which already hints on usefulness of that "universal" protocol. But looking closer, Firmata is example of very poor design. You immediately get an idea that it was designed by someone lacking experience (or someone very well mimicking lack of experience), and trying to stuff completely unrelated things into MIDI protocol, as if it was the only protocol in existence.