
Yeah, Right, Uh-Huh: A Deep Learning Backchannel Predictor


Backchannel Prediction for Conversational Speech Using Recurrent Neural Networks

Backchannels are short responses humans do to indicate attention to a speaker, like 'yeah', 'right', or 'uh-huh'. This project tries to predict good timings for these responses using the speaker audio data, thus creating an "AI" that pretends to listen.

This repository contains the code for my bachelor's thesis and the corresponding papers:


  1. Sample on the evaluation data set: demo screenshot
  2. Another sample on the evaluation data set:
  3. Live system demo (from microphone input): (the crashing issue was a Chrome bug which has since been fixed)

Demo docker container:

sudo docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 8765:8765 -ti phiresky/backchanneler-live-demo

Then open http://localhost:3000 in the browser (loading takes a bit).

Includes the live demo (microphone input!) and some sample tracks from the Switchboard data set: sw2249, sw2258, sw2411, sw2485, sw273, sw2807, w2254, sw2297, sw2432, sw2606, sw2762, sw4193. Selecting other tracks will fail.


The file data/utterance_is_backchannel.json contains a dump of each utterance id in Switchboard with a label "non-bc", "dialog-bc" and "monologuing-bc". "monologuing-bc"+"dialog-bc" are the positive samples used for training, while "monologuing-bc" are the samples used for evaluation. More detail is in Section 4.4 of my thesis. The file was generated by python -m extract.standalone_save_backchannels_to_json.

Evaluation Visualizer


Objective evaluation comparison: Training graphs: The effect of changing the trigger thresold on Precision, Recall and F1-Score ratings:

You can see an instance of the Evaluation Visualizer online at (warning: slow and unoptimized)


For the subjective evaluation, I did a survey comparing my system, the ground truth and a random predictor. Screenshot:

Reproducing the results of the paper

You can reproduce the results of the paper using the script scripts/ as a guideline.

Note that this may take a long time (~3h to extract the data (only once), ~2h to train one LSTM, 1h to evaluate it on a GTX980Ti).

Setup / Technical details

You can see more information in Section 6: Implementation of my bachelor's thesis, see here:

The final configurations are in configs/finunified. All of the ones in vary-* are generated with configs/meta_config_generator.ts.

Get the data

See data/ for more details.

Build Janus

The Janus speech recognition toolkit (used here only for extracting pitch data) should be open source by the end of 2017.

cd janus
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
sudo python develop

Meta config generator

Generates configurations from a set of combinations

Run this from the project root:

ts-node --fast configs/meta_config_generator.ts

The best network configuration according to the objective evaluation is


Data Visualizer

See the Demo section for screenshots.

Server code is in /web_vis/py/

Run this from the project root:

python -m extract/config.json

Client code is in /web_vis/ts/

Run this from the folder /web_vis/ts/

yarn run dev

This will start a webserver serving the client at http://localhost:3000, which will connect to the server via websockets at localhost:8765.

Hosted Version:


The NNs are trained using Lasagne (Theano). Training configuration is read from json files in configs/.

Example: python -m trainNN.train configs/finunified/vary-context/lstm-best-context-1000ms.json.

Training data will be extracted automatically on the first run with the same configuration (everything is automatically cached). You can also run the extraction manually using JOBS=4 python -m extract.readDB configs/.... The data/cache directory may grow up to around 20 GByte.

All the results will be output in machine-readable form to trainNN/out, with git tags for reproducability.

The training and validation accuracy can be monitored live in the Evaluation Visualizer.


Run the objective evaluation using python -m evaluate.evaluate "trainNN/out/$version/config.json".

The evaluation code includes an automatic bayesian optimizer for some of the hyperparameters that can be tweaked after training (yes, run on a different dataset that the evaluation).

The statistical significance tests mentioned in the papers are done using the code in evaluate/

To build and run the Evaluation Visualizer:

cd evaluate/plot
yarn run dev

Then go to http://localhost:8080/evaluate/plot/dist/

Hosted Version:


The survey code is in evaluate/survey. The results are included in a sqlite database, and the code to generate the LaTeX results table and significance test is in evaluate/survey/