
Code for the paper Neural Pipeline for Zero-Shot Data-to-Text Generation

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Neural Pipeline for Zero-Shot Data-to-Text Generation

Zero-shot data-to-text generation from RDF triples using a pipeline of pretrained language models (BART, RoBERTa).

This repository contains code, data, and system outputs for the paper published in ACL 2022:

Zdeněk Kasner & Ondřej Dušek: Neural Pipeline for Zero-Shot Data-to-Text Generation. In: Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2022).

Link for the paper:

Model Overview

The pipeline transforms facts in natural language generated with simple single-attribute templates.

The text is generated using a three-step pipeline:

  1. ordering
  2. aggregation
  3. paragraph compression


The pipeline is built using Python 3, PyTorch Lightning and HuggingFace Transformers.

See requirements.txt for the full list of requirements.

Installing the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


System Outputs

You can find the generated descriptions from our pipeline in the system_outputs directory.

Pretrained Models

Download the pretrained models for individual pipeline steps here:

model full filtered
ord link -
agg link -
pc link link
pc-agg link link
pc-ord-agg link link

Additionally, you can download the model trained on WikiSplit here (see issue #3).

Interactive Mode

Tip: you can use any checkpoint using an interactive mode (with manual input from the command line). The input sentences are split automatically using nltk.sent_tokenize().


  • ordering: ./ --experiment ord --module ord
[In]: Blue Spice is near Burger King. Blue Spice has average customer rating. Blue Spice is a coffee shop. 
['Blue Spice is a coffee shop.',
 'Blue Spice is near Burger King.',
 'Blue Spice has average customer rating.']
  • aggregation: ./ --experiment agg --module agg
[In]: Blue Spice is a coffee shop. Blue Spice is near Burger King. Blue Spice has average customer rating.
[0, 1] # 0=fuse, 1=separate
  • paragraph compression: ./ --experiment pc_filtered --module pc
[In]: Blue Spice is a coffee shop. Blue Spice is near Burger King. <sep> Blue Spice has average customer rating.
['Blue Spice is a coffee shop near Burger King. It has average customer '

WikiFluent Corpus

See the wikifluent directory for instructions on building the WikiFluent corpus.

You can also download the generated corpus 📄

The filtered version of the dataset contains examples without omissions or hallucinations (see the paper for details).


  1. Download the WikiFluent corpus and unpack it in the data directory.
  2. Download the D2T datasets and E2E metrics:
  1. Preprocess the D2T datasets. This step will parse the raw D2T datasets to prepare the data for evaluation (the data is not needed for training).
  • WebNLG
./ \
    --dataset webnlg \
    --dataset_dir data/d2t/webnlg/data/v1.4/en \
    --templates templates/templates-webnlg.json \
    --output data/webnlg_1stage  \
    --output_refs data/ref/webnlg  \
    --shuffle \
  • E2E
./ \
    --dataset e2e \
    --dataset_dir data/d2t/e2e/cleaned-data/ \
    --templates templates/templates-e2e.json \
    --output data/e2e_1stage  \
    --output_refs data/ref/e2e  \
    --shuffle \



The ordering model is trained on deshuffling the sentences from the wikifluent-full corpus. The model is needed for the 2-stage and 3-stage versions of the pipeline.

The implementation of the ordering model is based on

./ \
    --in_dir "data/wikifluent_full" \
    --experiment ord \
    --module ord \
    --gpus 1 \
    --model_name facebook/bart-base \
    --accumulate_grad_batches 4 \
    --max_epochs 1 \
    --val_check_interval 0.05


The aggregation model is trained on aggregating the (ordered) sentences from the wikifluent-full corpus. The model is needed for the 3-stage version of the pipeline.

./ \
    --in_dir "data/wikifluent_full" \
    --experiment agg \
    --module agg \
    --gpus 1 \
    --model_name roberta-large \
    --accumulate_grad_batches 4 \
    --max_epochs 1 \
    --val_check_interval 0.05

Paragraph Compression

The paragraph compression (PC) model is trained on compressing (=fusing and rephrasing) the paragraphs from the wikifluent corpus. The following options are available:

    • pc - paragraph compression (used in the 3-stage pipeline)
    • pc_agg - aggregation + paragraph compression (used in the 2-stage pipeline)
    • pc_ord_agg - ordering + aggregation + paragraph compression (used in the 1-stage pipeline)
    • full - full version of the wikifluent dataset
    • filtered - filtered version of the wikifluent dataset
./ \
    --in_dir "data/wikifluent_${VERSION}" \
    --experiment "${MODULE}_${VERSION}" \
    --module "$MODULE" \
    --model_name "facebook/bart-base" \
    --max_epochs 1 \
    --accumulate_grad_batches 4 \
    --gpus 1 \
    --val_check_interval 0.05


There are 3 possible pipelines for generating the text from data: 3-stage, 2-stage, or 1-stage (see the paper for detailed description).

To use the commands below, set the environment variables to one of the following:

    • webnlg - WebNLG dataset
    • e2e - E2E dataset
    • full - module trained on the full version of the wikifluent dataset
    • filtered - module trained on the filtered version of the wikifluent dataset


The following commands will run the 3-stage pipeline:

Order the data

./ \
    --experiment ord \
    --in_dir data/${DATASET_DECODE}_1stage \
    --out_dir data/${DATASET_DECODE}_2stage \
    --splits test

Aggregate the data

./ \
    --experiment agg \
    --in_dir data/${DATASET_DECODE}_2stage \
    --out_dir data/${DATASET_DECODE}_3stage \
    --splits test

Apply the PC model

./ \
    --experiment "pc_${VERSION}" \
    --module pc \
    --in_dir data/${DATASET_DECODE}_3stage \
    --split test \
    --gpus 1


The following commands will run the 2-stage pipeline:

Order the data

./ \
    --experiment ord \
    --in_dir data/${DATASET_DECODE}_1stage \
    --out_dir data/${DATASET_DECODE}_2stage \
    --splits test

Apply the PC+agg model

./ \
    --experiment "pc_agg_${VERSION}" \
    --module pc_agg \
    --in_dir data/${DATASET_DECODE}_2stage \
    --split test \
    --gpus 1


The following command will run the 1-stage pipeline:

Apply the PC+ord+agg model

./ \
    --experiment "pc_ord_agg_${VERSION}" \
    --module pc_ord_agg \
    --in_dir data/${DATASET_DECODE}_1stage \
    --split test \
    --gpus 1

The output is always stored in the experiment directory of the pc model (default output name is {split}.out).


E2E Metrics

You can re-run automatic evaluation using The script requires E2E metrics (cloned by with additional requirements which can be installed by:

cd e2e_metrics
pip install -r requirements.txt

The following command evaluates the output for the test split from the 3-stage pipeline:

./ \
    --hyp_file experiments/pc_${VERSION}/test.out \
    --ref_file data/ref/${DATASET_DECODE}/test.ref \

You can also run faster evaluation of BLEU score faster with the sacreBLEU package by omitting the flag --use_e2e_metrics.

Semantic Accuracy

You can re-run the evaluation of semantic accuracy with RoBERTa-MNLI with the following commands:

./utils/ \
    --hyp_file experiments/pc_${VERSION}/test.out \
    --ref_file data/webnlg_1stage/test.json \

This command creates a space-separated file <hyp_file>.acc, where each line contains a number of templates, a number of omissions, and number of hallucinations in the respective example.

A summary is printed using the following command:

./utils/ experiments/pc_${VERSION}/test.out.acc
  • or = omission rate (omissions/facts)
  • hr = hallucination rate (hallucinations/examples)
  • oer = omission error rate (omissions/examples, not used in the paper)


Note: the following examples are using WebNLG, computing the metrics for E2E / WikiFluent is analogous.

For calculating the ordering metrics, first extract the reference order:

./ \
    --dataset webnlg \
    --dataset_dir data/d2t/webnlg/data/v1.4/en/ \
    --output data/ref/webnlg/ \
    --extract_order \
    --split test

Then re-run the ordering experiment with the flag --indices_only:

./ \
    --experiment ord \
    --in_dir data/webnlg_1stage \
    --out_dir data/webnlg_1stage_ord \
    --splits test \

Finally, use the script to compute BLEU-2 and accuracy:

./utils/ \
    --hyp_file data/webnlg_1stage_ord/test.out  \
    --ref_file data/ref/webnlg/test.order.out 


For calculating the aggregation metrics, first extract the reference aggregation:

./ \
    --dataset webnlg \
    --dataset_dir data/d2t/webnlg/data/v1.4/en/ \
    --templates templates/templates-webnlg.json \
    --output data/webnlg_agg \
    --split test  \

Note that an aggregation example is created for each possible order.

Then run the script with the flag --eval for evaluating aggregation accuracy.

./ \
    --experiment agg \
    --in_dir data/webnlg_agg/ \
    --splits test  \


This work was co-funded by the European Union (ERC, NG-NLG, 101039303).