
31 bioinformatics utilities in a trenchcoat



A collection of bioinformatics / sequence utilities needed for my research, and hopefully useful for yours.


pip install blindschleiche
# or for the current main branch:
# pip install git+


USAGE: blsl <subtool> [options...]

Where <subtool> is one of:

  telogrep:             Search contigs for known telomere repeats
  n50:                  Calculate N50 and total length of a set of contigs
  falen:                Tabulate the lengths of sequences in a FASTA file
  mask2bed:             The inverse of bedtools maskfasta: softmasked fasta -> unmasked fasta + mask.bed
  pansn-rename:         Add, remove, or modify PanSN-style prefixes to contig/chromosome names in references
  genigvjs:             Generate a simple IGV.js visualisation of some bioinf files.
  ildemux:              Demultiplex modern illumina reads from read headers.
  ilsample:             Sample a fraction of read pairs from an interleaved fastq file
  regionbed:            Make a bed/region file of genome windows
  uniref-acc2taxid:     Make a ncbi-style file for a uniref fasta
  nstitch:              Combine R1 + R2 into single sequences, with an N in the middle
  gg2k:                 Summarise a table with GreenGenes-style lineages into a kraken-style report.
  equalbestblast:       Output only the best blast hits.
  tabcat:               Concatenate table (c/tsv) files, adding the filename as a column
  esearchandfetch:      Use the Entrez API to search for and download something. A CLI companion to the NCBI search box
  deepclust2fa:         Split a .faa by the clusters diamond deepclust finds
  farename:             Rename sequences in a fasta file sequentially
  gffcat:               Concatenate GFF3 files, resepcting header lines and FASTA sections
  gffparse:             Format a GFF sanely
  gffcsqify:            Format a reasonably compliant GFF for use with bcftools csq
  gfftagsane:           Sanitise a messy gff attribute column to just simple tags 
  liftoff-gff3:         Obtain an actually-useful GFF3 from Liftoff by fixing basic GFF3 format errors
  ebiosra2rl2s:         INTERNAL: MPI Tübingen tool. Make a runlib-to-sample map table from ebio sra files
  galhist:              Make a summary histogram of git-annex-list output
  pairslash:            Add an old-style /1 /2 pair indicator to paired-end fastq files
  vcfstats:             Use bcftools to calculate various statistics, outputing an R-ready table
  vcfparallel:          Parallelise a bcf processing pipeline across regions
  shannon-entropy:      Calculate Shannon's entropy (in bits) at each column of one or more alignments
  fastasanitiser:       Sanitise fasta IDs to something sane, then back again
  tidyqc:               What if MultiQC was in the tidyverse? (and much worse)
  jsonl2csv:            Parse jsonlines into a C/TSV
  help:                 Print this help message

Use blsl subtool --help to get help about a specific tool

Why the name Blindschleiche?

  1. They're awesome animals
  2. Their English name is Slow Worm, which is appropriate for this set of low-performance tools in Python.
  3. All tools implemented in Python must be named with a snake pun, and they're kinda a snake (not really, they're legless lizards)
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