
Query building for the postgresql prepared statements and asyncpg.

MIT License



Query building for the postgresql prepared statements and asyncpg.

Lots of more powerful features, including full clause construction, multiple values, logic functions, query pretty-printing and different variable substitution - below is just a very quick summary. Please check the code and tests for examples.

Building Queries

Simple variable substitution:

from buildpg import render

render('select * from mytable where x=:foo and y=:bar', foo=123, bar='whatever')
>> 'select * from mytable where x=$1 and y=$2', [123, 'whatever']

Use of V to substitute constants:

from buildpg import V, render

render('select * from mytable where :col=:foo', col=V('x'), foo=456)
>> 'select * from mytable where x=$1', [456]

Complex logic:

from buildpg import V, funcs, render

where_logic = V('') == 123
if spam_value:
   where_logic &= V('foo.spam') <= spam_value

if exclude_cake:
   where_logic &= funcs.not_(V('foo.cake').in_([1, 2, 3]))

render('select * from foo :where', where=where_logic)
>> 'select * from foo = $1 AND foo.spam <= $2 AND not(foo.cake in $3)', [123, 123, ['x', 'y']]

Values usage:

from buildpg import Values, render

render('insert into the_table (:values__names) values :values', values=Values(a=123, b=456, c='hello'))
>> 'insert into the_table (a, b, c) values ($1, $2, $3)', [123, 456, 'hello']

With asyncpg

As a wrapper around asyncpg:

import asyncio
from buildpg import asyncpg

async def main():
   async with asyncpg.create_pool_b('postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/db') as pool:
       await pool.fetchval_b('select spam from mytable where x=:foo and y=:bar', foo=123, bar='whatever')
       >> 42

Both the pool and connections have *_b variants of all common query methods:

  • execute_b
  • executemany_b
  • fetch_b
  • fetchval_b
  • fetchrow_b
  • cursor_b


Python operator/function SQL operator
` `
= =
!= !=
< <
<= <=
> >
>= >=
+ +
- -
* *
/ /
% %
** ^
- -
~ not(...)
sqrt `
abs @
contains @>
contained_by <@
overlap &&
like LIKE
ilike ILIKE
cat `
in_ in
from_ from
at_time_zone AT TIME ZONE
matches @@
is_ is
is_not is not
for_ for
factorial !
cast ::
asc ASC
desc DESC
comma ,
on ON
as_ AS
nulls_first NULLS FIRST
nulls_last NULLS LAST


from buildpg import V, S, render

def show(component):
   sql, params = render(':c', c=component)
   print(f'sql="{sql}" params={params}')

show(V('foobar').contains([1, 2, 3]))
#> sql="foobar @> $1" params=[[1, 2, 3]]
show(V('foobar') == 4)
#> sql="foobar = $1" params=[4]
#> sql="not(foobar)" params=[]
#> sql="|/ $1" params=[625]
#> sql="foo is not true" params=[]


Python function SQL function
AND(*args) <arg1> and <arg2> ...
OR(*args) <arg1> or <arg2> ...
NOT(arg) not(<arg>)
comma_sep(*args) <arg1>, <arg2>, ...
count(expr) count(expr)
any(arg) any(<arg1>)
now() now()
cast(v, cast_type) <v>::<cast_type>
upper(string) upper(<string>)
lower(string) lower(<string>)
length(string) length(<string>)
left(string, n) left(<string>, <n>)
right(string, n) right(<string>, <n>)
extract(expr) extract(<expr>)
sqrt(n) `
abs(n) @<n>
factorial(n) !<n>
position(substring, string) position(<substring> in <st...
substring(string, pattern, escape-None) substring(<string> from <pa...
to_tsvector(arg1, document-None) to_tsvector(<arg1>)
to_tsquery(arg1, text-None) to_tsquery(<arg1>)


from buildpg import V, render, funcs

def show(component):
  sql, params = render(':c', c=component)
  print(f'sql="{sql}" params={params}')

show(funcs.AND(V('x') == 4, V('y') > 6))
#> sql="x = $1 AND y > $2" params=[4, 6]
show(funcs.position('foo', 'this has foo in it'))
#> sql="position($1 in $2)" params=['foo', 'this has foo in it']