
Include Deluge server details in Conky scripts

GPL-3.0 License


Author: Mark Buck (Kaivalagi) [email protected]


It is expected that the user is already familiar with Conky.

Any conky specific help can be found by either visiting the conky website here:

Alternatively there is a large user base, various helpful posts are available at

For example, to see various incarnations of conky setups, or to ask technical questions you could go here:

    Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots 

If you are not familiar with conky there is help available here:

HOW TO: A Beginners Guide to Setting up Conky


In the /usr/share/conkydeluge/example folder you'll find 2 files, conkyrc and conkyDeluge.template

Conky can be run using these example files as follows:

conky -c /usr/share/conkydeluge/example/conkyrc &

Make sure Deluge is running first...


A break down of all the options available are below. The same details can be found by running conkyDeluge --help

Usage: conkyDeluge [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SERVER, --server=SERVER [default:] The server to connect to where the deluge core is running -p PORT, --port=PORT [default: 58846] The port to connect to where the deluge core is running -U USERNAME, --username=USERNAME The username to use when connecting, can be left unset if none is required -P PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD The password to use when connecting, can be left unset if none is required -S, --showsummary Display summary output. This is affected by the --activeonly option. -H, --hidetorrentdetail Hide torrent detail output, if used no torrent details are output. -t FILE, --torrenttemplate=FILE Template file determining the format for each torrent. Use the following placeholders: [name], [state], [totaldone], [totalsize], [progress], [nofiles], [downloadrate], [uploadrate], [eta], [currentpeers], [currentseeds], [totalpeers], [totalseeds], [ratio]. -T FILE, --summarytemplate=FILE Template file determining the format for summary output. Use the following placeholders: [notorrents], [totalprogress], [totaldone], [totalsize], [totaldownloadrate], [totaluploadrate], [totaleta], [currentpeers], [currentseeds], [totalpeers], [totalseeds], [totalratio]. -a, --activeonly If set only info for torrents in an active state will be displayed. -l NUMBER, --limit=NUMBER [default: 0] Define the maximum number of torrents to display, zero means no limit. -b SORTTYPE, --sortby=SORTTYPE Define the sort method for output, can be "progress", "queue", "eta", "download", "upload" and "ratio". Also note that a torrent's state supersedes anything else for sorting, in the order, from top to bottom: downloading, seeding, queued, paused, unknown) -v, --verbose Request verbose output, no a good idea when running through conky! -V, --version Displays the version of the script. --errorlogfile=FILE If a filepath is set, the script appends errors to the filepath. --infologfile=FILE If a filepath is set, the script appends info to the filepath.


A template file is included in the example files and there are also details on the template option in the command options listed above.

Note that you can combine standard font output with other fonts in a single template, but must use execp or execpi conky commands to do so.

Please take a look at the example template provided. You will see that it uses text inside a "<" and a ">" as markers, these must be exact for the replacment event text to be output. Anything outside of these markers will be output as it looks in the template.


If you have an issue and are not sure, try running the same command in the terminal window and add the option --verbose, you should then see lots of information about what the script is doing, any warnings or errors should also be displayed.

If after doing the above you are still stuck, further help can be found by visiting this thread on

Conky Deluge Python Script

Note that it is best to post --verbose output of your script call, as well as the conkyrc you are using. This way the issue can be understood quickly and easily.