
Generate javadoc-style html documentation for a database schema

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


DBDoc: Generate Database Schema Documentation

This code generates javadoc-style documentation for a database schema, and allows optional annotation of tables and columns using an outboard properties text file.

Support is currently provided for Oracle and PostgreSQL databases.

Example output is available to browse.

Contents of this package:

LICENCE   - The licence under the terms of which this package is provided
lib/      - Python library files and scripts
examples/ - Example schemas and scripts
doc/      - Documentation, including the TODO list


Oracle example (assuming cx_Oracle installed):

% cd lib
% ./oradbdoc.py 'user/password@db' /tmp

This generates HTML documentation in /tmp detailing the schema of the Oracle instance 'db' running on the local machine.

PostgreSQL example (assuming pygresql installed):

% cd lib
% ./pgdbdoc.py -d pgdb ':mydb:myuser:' /tmp

This generates HTML documentation in /tmp detailing the schema of the postgresql instance 'mydb' running on the local machine.

This code was moved from dbdoc.sourceforge.net, where additional helpful information may still be available.

Known issues

Using the DCOracle2 module can result in garbage default column values. cx_Oracle is recommended in its place.

Similar tools

SchemaSpy is pretty nice.


This code was written by Steve Purcell a very long time ago (~2001), and revived in 2015.

Author links:

