
A library to implement a leveling system into a discord bot. Contains features such as XP, level, ranks, and role awards.

MIT License

discordLevelingSystem - v1.2.1 Latest Release

Published by Defxult over 1 year ago

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the library couldn't be installed via pip (#23).
discordLevelingSystem - v1.2.0

Published by Defxult about 2 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • The developer of discord.py has decided to revive the project. Since this library was originally dependent on discord.py, as of this version it is no longer dependent on pycord and will be using discord.py 2.0 or higher for the duration of this library.
  • Function discordLevelingSystem.version_info() has been removed. Use $ pip show discordLevelingSystem instead to get the library version.

New Features

  • Parameter path is now optional in method DiscordLevelingSystem.create_database_file(). If left as None, the database file is created in the current working directory.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where an error would occur when a user/guild doesn't have an icon. Now, the icon is the default discord user icon (#5).
discordLevelingSystem - v1.1.0

Published by Defxult over 2 years ago

Library Change

  • With the discontinuation of discord.py, this library is now dependent on pycord

New Features

  • Added LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.display_avatar_url. Used to access member avatars that are guild specific
  • Added LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.banner_url. Used to access member banners
  • Added the ability to get the total amount of XP needed for a level
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.get_xp_for_level(level: int)
  • Added the ability to limit the amount of records returned from a member data query
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.each_member_data(..., limit: Optional[int] = None)
  • Added the ability to get the next level for a member
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.next_level(member: discord.Member)
  • Added the ability to get the dict that represents the leveling systems level/XP requirement process
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.levels_and_xp()


  • Added __repr__ to the DiscordLevelingSystem.Bonus class
  • Added __all__ for the library itself (from discordLevelingSystem import *)
  • Added more typing.Optional for parameters. Implemented the use of typing.ClassVar and collections.abc.Sequence. A handful of parameters that specified a List[x] never really needed to be a list. All parameters that specified a List[x] has been changed to Sequence[x], but parameters that still require a list are still type hinted as List[x]
discordLevelingSystem - v1.0.2

Published by Defxult about 3 years ago

New Features

  • Added the event on_dls_level_up. This offers more capabilities compared to LevelUpAnnouncement (docs)
  • Added the ability to connect to a different database file while the leveling system is active
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.switch_connection(path: str)
  • Added property DiscordLevelingSystem.database_file_path. Returns the current path of the active database file
  • Added the MemberData class to __init__ for easier access to the class. Should only be used for type hinting

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where properties DiscordLevelingSystem.rate & DiscordLevelingSystem.per wouldn't return their updated values if DiscordLevelingSystem.change_cooldown() was used
discordLevelingSystem - v1.0.1

Published by Defxult about 3 years ago

New Features

  • Added the ability to insert your own leveling system data into the library. Typically used if you're currently using a json leveling system, but can be converted from any system as long as the necessary values are given (beta) (docs)
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.insert(bot: Union[Bot, AutoShardedBot], guild_id: int, users: Dict[int, int], using: str, overwrite: bool=False, show_results: bool=True)
  • Added the ability manually add a record to the database
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.add_record(guild_id: int, member_id: int, member_name: str, level: int)
  • Added method MemberData.to_dict()
  • Added function discordLevelingSystem.version_info() . This will be the standard way for getting the information about what version of the library you are using
discordLevelingSystem - v1.0.0

Published by Defxult about 3 years ago

New Features

  • Added parameter guild for the below methods
    • This allows a more targeted check or removal for the specified member
      • DiscordLevelingSystem.is_in_database(member: Union[Member, int], guild: Guild=None)
      • DiscordLevelingSystem.remove_from_database(member: Union[Member, int], guild: Guild=None)
    • Before, your only option was to delete the entire database file. You can now delete the guild records of your choice
      • DiscordLevelingSystem.wipe_database(guild: Guild=None, *, intentional: bool=False)
  • Added the ability to get the awards that were set in the constructor as a whole or filtered by a specified guild
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.get_awards(guild: Union[Guild, int]=None)
  • Added a few new attributes
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.active - Enable/disable the leveling system (docs)
    • RoleAward.mention - The discord role mention string
discordLevelingSystem - v0.0.2

Published by Defxult over 3 years ago

New Features

  • Added the ability for LevelUpAnnouncement messages to be embeds (docs)
  • Added the ability to have multiple LevelUpAnnouncement messages (docs)
  • Added the ability for multiple servers to have their own level up awards (docs)
  • Added the ability to set roles that give bonus XP (docs)
  • Added the ability to set the name for a RoleAward (docs)
  • Added the ability to access rate and per (the values set in the DiscordLevelingSystem constructor) (docs)
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.rate (property)
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.per (property)
  • Added the ability to manually set a members XP and level (docs)
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.add_xp(member: Member, amount: int)
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.remove_xp(member: Member, amount: int)
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.set_level(member: Member, level: int)
  • Added the ability to access more of the members information when a level up message is sent (docs)
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.avatar_url
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.created_at
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.default_avatar_url
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.discriminator
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.display_name
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.id
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.joined_at
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.mention
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.name
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.nick
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.Guild.icon_url
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.Guild.id
    • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.Guild.name
  • Added the ability to transfer your v0.0.1 database file records to a v0.0.2+ database file (see Bug Fixes)
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.transfer(old: str, new: str, guild_id: int)
  • Improved export_as_json method. Format is now easier to read

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where if your bot was in multiple servers and members were in 2 or more of those servers, the leaderboard would be updated regardless of being in the same server or a different one. A member could level up to "1" in a server and their next level would be "2" in another. The member's level and XP would remain the same in all the servers. With this update, member XP and level are now specific to each server and are no longer the same in all servers.
  • Fixed an issue where if an award_xp amount value was a list and the first value was larger than the second, an error would occur that was not informative. An informative error is now raised.
  • Fixed an issue where discord system messages would give XP to the member
  • Fixed an issue where if a level_up_channel_id was set for a server and level up occured in a different server, an error would occur (important: see Breaking Change for level_up_channel_id)

Breaking Change

  • removed LevelUpAnnouncement.AUTHOR_MENTION
    • This has been replaced with LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.mention
  • removed LevelUpAnnouncement.XP
    • This was removed because in a level up message the members XP was always reset to zero because of the level up, and accessing that attribute would always give a value of zero
  • removed Exception AwardedRoleNotFound has been removed because it is no longer needed
  • removed Exception LevelUpChannelNotFound has been removed because it is no longer needed
  • removed DiscordLevelingSystem.awards attribute
    • The ability to set this attribute from an instance of DiscordLevelingSystem was removed because there is a necessary check that needs to take place to ensure the role award system can operate smoothly. You can still set the awards value via the DiscordLevelingSystem constructor
  • changed LevelUpAnnouncement parameter level_up_channel_id. This was renamed and the type has been changed to support multiple servers having their own level up channel
    • Before: level_up_channel_id (int)
    • After: level_up_channel_ids (List[int])
  • changed Maximum value allowed in award_xp
    • Previously, the maximum value for the amount parameter in award_xp was 100. This has been reduced to a maximum of 25. Why? The goal of this library is to try and mimic the operations of the MEE6 leveling system, and awarding XP less than or equal to 25 has proved to be more of a stable way to earn XP, especially when it comes to bonus XP roles
  • changed DiscordLevelingSystem parameter awards type
    • Before: Union[List[RoleAward], None]
    • After: Union[Dict[int, List[RoleAward]], None]
  • changed Parameters for method clean_database
    • Before: DiscordLevelingSystem.clean_database(all_members: List[Member])
    • After: DiscordLevelingSystem.clean_database(guild: Guild)
  • changed Parameters for method reset_everyone
    • Before: DiscordLevelingSystem.reset_everyone(*, intentional: bool=False)
    • After: DiscordLevelingSystem.reset_everyone(guild: Union[Guild, None], *, intentional: bool=False)
  • changed Parameters for method export_as_json
    • Before: DiscordLevelingSystem.export_as_json(path: str)
    • After: DiscordLevelingSystem.export_as_json(path: str, guild: Union[Guild, None])
  • changed Parameters for method raw_database_contents
    • Before: DiscordLevelingSystem.raw_database_contents()
    • After: DiscordLevelingSystem.raw_database_contents(guild: Guild=None)
  • changed Parameters for method get_record_count
    • Before: DiscordLevelingSystem.get_record_count()
    • After: DiscordLevelingSystem.get_record_count(guild: Guild=None)
discordLevelingSystem - v0.0.1

Published by Defxult over 3 years ago

Initial release (alpha)