
A Django app which converts argparse scripts into a browser based UI.

GPL-3.0 License


Djangui has been merged with Wooey! You can get the latest and greatest at the organization Wooey


  1. Installation
    1. A Djangui Only Project
    2. Adding Djangui to Existing Projects
  2. Running Djangui
    1. A Procfile
    2. Two processes
  3. Adding Scripts
  4. Script Organization
  5. Script Permissions
  6. Configuration
  7. Usage with S3/remote file systems
  8. Script Guidelines

Djangui is designed to take scripts implemented with a python command line argument parser (such as argparse), and convert them into a web interface.

This project was inspired by how simply and powerfully sandman could expose users to a database. It was also based on my own needs as a data scientist to have a system that could:

1. Autodocument my workflows for data analysis
    (simple model saving).
2. Enable fellow lab members with no command line
    experience to utilize python scripts.
3. Enable the easy wrapping of any program in simple
   python instead of having to use language specific 
   to existing tools such as Galaxy.


pip install django-djangui

A Djangui only project

There is a bootstrapper included with djangui, which will create a Django project and setup most of the needed settings automagically for you.

1. djanguify -p ProjectName
2. Follow the instructions at the end of the bootstrapper
   to create the admin user and access the admin page
3. Login to the admin page wherever the project is
   being hosted (locally this would be localhost:8000/admin)

Installation with existing Django Projects

1. Add 'djangui' to INSTALLED_APPS in (and optionally, djcelery unless you wish to tie into an existing celery instance)
2. Add the following to your
   `url(r'^', include('djangui.urls')),`
   (Note: it does not need to be rooted at your site base,
    you can have r'^djangui/'... as your router):
3. Migrate your database:
    # Django 1.6 and below:
    `./ syncdb`
    # Django 1.7 and above
    `./ makemigrations`
    `./ migrate`
4. Ensure the following are in your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCSSORS variable:

Running Djangui

Djangui depends on a distributed worker to handle tasks, you can disable this by setting DJANGUI_CELERY to False in your settings, which will allow you to run Djangui through the simple command:

python runserver

However, this will cause the server to execute tasks, which will block the site.

The recommended ways to run Djangui are:

Through a Procfile

The simplest way to run Djangui is to use a Procfile with honcho, which can be installed via pip. Make a file, called Procfile in the root of your project (the same place as with the following contents:

web:  python runserver
worker: python celery worker -c 1 --beat -l info

Your server can then be run by the simple command:

honcho start

Through two separate processes

You can also run djangui by invoking two commands (you will need a separate process for each):

python celery worker -c 1 --beat -l info
python runserver

Adding & Managing Scripts

Scripts may be added in two ways, through the Django admin interface as well as through the addscript command in

The admin Interface

Within the django admin interface, scripts may be added to through the 'scripts' model. Here, the user permissions may be set, as well as cosmetic features such as the script's display name, description (if provided, otherwise the script name and description will be automatically populated by the description from argparse if available).

The command line

./ addscript

This will add a script or a folder of scripts to Djangui (if a folder is passed instead of a file). By default, scripts will be created in the 'Djangui Scripts' group.

Script Organization

Scripts can be viewed at the root url of Djangui. The ordering of scripts, and groupings of scripts can be altered by changing the 'Script order' or 'Group order' options within the admin.

Script Permissions

Scripts and script groups can be relegated to certain groups of users. The 'user groups' option, if set, will restrict script usage to users within selected groups.

Scripts and groups may also be shutoff to all users by unchecked the 'script/group active' option.


DJANGUI_FILE_DIR: String, where the files uploaded by the user will be saved (Default: djangui_files)

DJANGUI_CELERY: Boolean, whether or not celery is enabled. If disabled, tasks will run locally and block execution. (Default: True)

DJANGUI_CELERY_TASKS: String, the name of the celery tasks for Djangui. (Default: 'djangui.tasks')

DJANGUI_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS: Boolean, whether to allow submission of jobs by anonymous users. (Default: True)

By default, Djangui has a basic user account system. It is very basic, and doesn't confirm registrations via email.

DJANGUI_AUTH: Boolean, whether to use the authorization system of Djangui for simple login/registration. (Default: True)

DJANGUI_LOGIN_URL: String, if you have an existing authorization system, the login url: (Default: settings.LOGIN_URL

DJANGUI_REGISTER_URL: String, if you have an existing authorization system, the registration url: (Default: /accounts/register/)

DJANGUI_EPHEMERAL_FILES: Boolean, if your file system changes with each restart. (Default: False)

DJANGUI_SHOW_LOCKED_SCRIPTS: Boolean, whether to show locked scripts as disabled or hide them entirely. (Defalt: True -- show as disabled)

Remote File Systems

Djangui has been tested on heroku with S3 as a file storage system. Settings for this can be seen in the, which give you a starting point for a non-local server. In short, you need to change your storage settings like such:


Script Guidelines

The easiest way to make your scripts compatible with Djangui is to define your ArgParse class in the global scope. For instance:

import argparse
import sys

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=" -- Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below a number.")
parser.add_argument('--below', help='The number to find the sum of multiples below.', type=int, default=1000)

def main():
    args = parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == "__main__":

If you have failing scripts, please open an issue with their contents so I can handle cases as they appear and try to make this as all-encompasing as possible. One known area which fails currently is defining your argparse instance inside the if __name__ == "__main__" block