
[NOT MAINTAINED] A more robust flatpages app for Django.

MIT License




Note: This project is no longer actively maintained, use at your own risk. Feel free to submit pull requests if you find a bug.

A more robust flatpages app for Django.

This app adds a few "missing" features to flatpages including:

  • Tagging (via django-taggit currently)
  • Automatic and intelligent breadcrumb creation.
  • Page view tracking
  • A more robust manager.
  • A more robust templatetag (see "get_flatpages Templatetag" below)
  • "Page title" (used for <title> tag) and "Link name" (used to give links to pages a sane name).
  • Published status (published or draft) to control page visibility on the front end.
  • Automatically associate a FlatPage with the current site (from settings.SITE_ID).
  • A provided template for FlatPages so you can be up and running quickly.
  • A page owner (a User) who is responsible for the page.
  • Created and modified datestamps.

This app is meant to replace the default django.contrib.flatpages app and will not work running along side it.

This app works basically the same as the default flatpages, just with a few more features.


  1. Install django-flatpages-plus by either running, or somehow putting it on your PythonPath. I recommend installing with PIP in a virtualenv (and using virtualenvwrapper to make things easier for you).

     pip install django-flatpages-plus
  2. Add flatpages_plus to INSTALLED_APPS:

  3. Add flatpages_plus.middleware.FlatpageFallbackMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:

  4. Run syncdb to install the database tables:

     ./ syncdb


This application currently requires django-taggit.

I have plans to make it optional, but currently it is hard coded in.

The application uses Django South for database schema migrations. You shouldn't need it except if you need to upgrade the application after a database change.

get_flatpages Templatetag

django-flatpages-plus offers a more robust templatetag to use when retrieving flatpages in your templates.

The get_flatpages templatetag uses the FlatpagesManager in to handle sorting, filtering and excluding flatpages from the result set.

Here are a few things you can do with the templatetag:

  • Sort flatpages by when they were modified (most recent/least recent), created (also most recent/least recent), their view count (most viewed/least viewed) or randomize the results.
  • Filter flatpages by the user or users that "own" the page.
  • Filter results by what the URL starts with.
  • Get all pages that are tagged with a particular tag or set of tags.
  • Limit the results set to a specific number of results.
  • Remove a particular flatpage from a set of results. Useful if you want to show related flatpages without showing the current page in the list.

Basic Usage

The most basic usage is:

{% load flatpages_plus_tags %}
{% get_flatpages %}

... which will return all flatpages in the system in a template variable called flatpages, which could be used like so:

    {% for f in flatpages.all %}
        <li><a href="{{ f.url }}" title="View the {{ }} page">{{ }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}

More Examples

Here are a few more useful examples:

{% get_flatpages sort='views' %}

... which will sort flatpages by the most viewed first.

{% get_flatpages sort='random' limit=5 %}

... which will return the flatpages in random order, limiting the results to five flatpages.

{% get_flatpages users=1 limit=5 as user_flatpages %}

... which will return five flatpages by the user whose ID is 1, as the template variable user_flatpages.

{% get_flatpages tags='foo,bar,baz' %}

... which will return all flatpages that are tagged with either 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', or a combination of the three.

{% get_flatpages remove=3 limit=5 %}

... which will return five of the most recent flatpages, excluding the flatpage with an ID of 3.

{% get_flatpages starts_with='/about/' %}

... which will return all pages whose URLs start with /about/ (e.g. /about/, /about/contact/, /about/team/, etc...).

Here is a full list of the different arguments you can pass the get_flatpages templatetag.

sort=                       What to sort the flatpages by. Optional. Default is by url.
    'created'               Returns least recently created flatpages first.
    '-created'              Returns most recently created flatpages first.
    'modified'              Returns least recently modified flatpages first.
    '-modified'             Returns most recently modified flatpages first.
    'views'                 Returns the least viewed flatpages first.
    '-views'                Returns the most viewed flatpages first.
    'random'                Returns random flatpages.
tags='foo,bar,baz'          Returns all flatpages tagged with _either_      
                            'foo', 'bar', or 'baz'. Optional.

starts_with='/about/'       Return all flatpages that have a URL that 
                            starts with '/about/'.

owners=1                    Returns all flatpages by the User with ID 1. 
                            Optional. Can be a string of IDs 
                            (e.g. '1,5,6,8,234') or an integer 
                            (e.g. 1). Optional.
limit=10                    Limits the number of flatpages that are 
                            returned to 10 results. Optional.
remove=1                    Removes a given flatpage ID or list of IDs from
                            the results list. Can be a string of IDs 
                            (e.g. '1,5,6,8,234') or an integer 
                            (e.g. 1). Optional.


Copyright © 2011 Dana Woodman [email protected]


Released under an MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.