
Based on the django_tutorial repo, extended for PyCon demos

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Django Tutorial Extended

The official Django tutorial, extended for PyCharm demo uses.


  • Clone this repo, open in PyCharm Professional, which should:
    • Make a virtual environment
    • Prompt to install dependencies from requirements.txt
    • Configure the settings that recognize this as a Django project
    • Make a Django run configuration
  • npm install to get JS dependencies.
  • Open PyCharm's console via Tools | Run task
  • makemigrations and press enter
  • migrate and press enter
  • createsuperuser (and answer the questions)
  • For preloading questions into DB, make sure to run python load_questions
  • Run the created run config (probably named django_tutorial)
  • Visit and add a question
  • Visit

Other steps:

  • Mark as Templates Folder for polls/templates
  • Settings | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Prettier and set it up to run on save/reformat
  • Ensure Django support and pytest are configured in settings
  • In the main template, find the <script> for Tailwind, Alt-Enter on the URL, and "Download" as a library
  • Add the SQLite instance in the database tool

For the extended demo:

  • Have the BlackConnect plugin installed
    • Have blackd installed somewhere, e.g. via pipx or add to the venv
    • But NOT set up to run on Reformat/Save
  • Install .env and requirements plugins

Main Demo

We're going to talk about the "I" in "IDE".

Project Setup

  • PyCharm eliminates some cumbersome setup steps
  • Show that you could use PyCharm's bundled Django template in New Project
    • Makes and sets a virtual env
    • Installs Django into it
    • Makes a sample Django project
    • Creates run config
    • Configures Django support
  • Or, clone from VCS

Running Django Server

  • Shift-Shift tem/bas to open templates/base.html
  • Run the Django Server run configuration
  • Click on link in the run window
  • Navigate to View Polls
    • Delete the img with PyCharm.svg
    • Reload browser
    • Cmd-Alt-O IndV to polls/ number of returned questions
      by changing [0:10] to [0:1]
    • See that Django restarts the process
  • Use Run tool window to makemigrations
    • Cmd-Shift-A mana to bring up tool
    • Type in makemigrations
  • Run server under the debugger, not a big speed hit
    • Stop the running server
    • Restart it with the debugger
    • Set breakpoints in:
      • polls.views.IndexView.get_queryset
      • Also in polls.templates/polls/index.html
        • Inside {% for question in latest_question_list %}
    • Reload the page at /polls/
    • Show stepping through Python and Django
    • Clear the breakpoints and resume

IDE Features for Django

  • Autocomplete
    • Shift-Shift INS to navigate to INSTALLED_APPS in mysite/
    • Autocomplete any package names in strings
    • Make a typo, show the warning
    • Open Shift-Shift pol/ind to open polls/index.html
    • Autocomplete latest_question_list on line 9
  • Navigate
    • Same spot in polls/index.html, navigate to latest_question_list
    • Same for INSTALLED_APPS
    • In polls/index.html navigate back and forth, view/template, via icons
  • Autoimport
    • Cmd-Alt-O urlpa to open polls/
    • Change views.ResultsView.as_view() to ReVi and Cmd-Space-Space to autocomplete
    • Show that it generated the import
  • Refactor
    • Shift-Shift IndV to navigate to polls.views.IndexView
    • Refactor Rename index.html to djindex.html
    • Point out the filename has changed
    • Undo

Template Support

  • Shift-Shift pol/ind to open polls/index.html
  • On Line 12, insert new line and recreate the <img src with Emmet
    • img tab to start the <img> LiveTemplate
    • template for {% s to start the static Django tag
    • Autocomplete the part of the polls/images/jb_beam.png path
    • Make a typo to show squiggly
    • Fix typo
    • Cursor in the jb_beam.png segment
    • Cmd-B to navigate to the PNG


  • Cmd-Shift-A Spl Ri to split right
  • On left: Cmd-Alt-O IndV to navigate to IndexView
  • On right: Cmd-Alt-O t_p to navigate to tests/test_base_functions.test_polls_index
  • Click the gutter icon to run just that test
  • On left: put a breakpoint in IndexView.get_queryset
  • In test, click gutter icon and run in debug mode

Git Pull Request Integration

TODO We need to file a PR.

Fullstack: HTTP Files against Django Rest Framework

  • Make sure Django Server is running in debug mode
  • Open run-apis.http
  • Run the first URL
  • Put a breakpoint in IndexView.get_queryset on the return
  • Click that URL again
  • Continue, clear breakpoint

Fullstack: Tailwind

  • base.html and <script src="">
  • We downloaded the "library" with Alt-Enter
  • Go to <div class="navbar and autocomplete navbar
  • Then, navigate to navbar to see definition

Fullstack: React frontend

  • In package.json, run the dev script
  • Click the URL
  • See the React app
  • Navigate to Symbol App
  • Remove the import of Index
  • Autocomplete the usage and show the import, then navigate to it

Fullstack: Prettier and eslint

  • Mention package.json and npm integration
    • You get a popup with link for installing
    • Autocomplete in package.json
  • In preferences, show Prettier integration
  • Make sure prettier on save and reformat are checked
  • In Index.jsx mess up spacing, indentation
  • Reformat Code
  • Show preferences for eslint

Fullstack: React testing

  • In Index.jsx put a breakpoint on {question.question_text}
  • Split Right
  • Shift-Shift Index.tes to navigate to the test file
  • Use gutter icon to run test under the debugger

Fullstack: Database tool

  • Open the database tool
  • Double-click on the polls_question table

Extended Demo

This goes before the full-stack part and covers material from Adam's "Boost Your Django DX" book.

Inline documentation

  • In IndexView.get_queryset mouse over:
    • import for Python code
    • filter for Django code
  • Mouseover an h1 to show MDN-integrated docs

Virtual environments (covered)

Package management

  • Open requirements.txt
  • Add another package
  • Mention the community plugin
  • Show it in action


  • Cmd-Shift-A Py Con
  • Opens Python Console, with Django imports, using ipython
  • Note the different repl
  • print(2+2) with syntax highlighting, autocomplete


  • Make sure BlackConnect is off!
  • Open .editorconfig
  • Change 4 to 14
  • Open
  • Reformat Code
  • Change 14 back to 4
  • Reformat Code


  • Enable BlackConnect


  • Note the .pre-commit-config.yaml
  • Commit window, gear icon at bottom, show the checkbox for git hooks

Testing (covered)

This will be used in the sponsor talk at PyCon US 2023. It emphasizes points made in Adam Johnson's Django DX book.

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