
Plugins to kate


.. contents::

Kate Plugins


These are Pate plugins for Kate <http://kate-editor.org/>_ editor. Plugins to make coding easier in Python <http://python.org/>, Django <https://docs.djangoproject.com> and JavaScript

.. note::

This repository is unmaintained, because these plugins have been added to the official repository: Python utils <https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/applications/kate/repository/revisions/master/show/addons/kate/pate/src/plugins/python_utils>, Javascript utils <https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/applications/kate/repository/revisions/master/show/addons/kate/pate/src/plugins/js_utils>, Django utils <https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/applications/kate/repository/revisions/master/show/addons/kate/pate/src/plugins/django_utils>_ and XML pretty <https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/applications/kate/repository/revisions/master/entry/addons/kate/pate/src/plugins/xml_pretty.py>. The generic functions and generic classes have been added to the libkatepate <https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/applications/kate/repository/revisions/master/show/addons/kate/pate/src/plugins/libkatepate>


  • Kate <http://kate-editor.org/>_
  • Extra dependencies for extra and super nice features. Optional, but very recomended :)
    • pysmell <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pysmell>_
    • pyplete <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyplete>_
    • pyflakes <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyflakes>_
    • simplejson <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson>_
    • pyjslint <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyjslint>_ (it requires NodeJS <http://nodejs.org/>_, read the pyjslint readme)


  • Install Kate <http://kate-editor.org/get-it/>_ from sources

  • Install optional requirements:


# Kate plugins has been tested with these versions but is very probably that works with later versions
pip install pysmell==0.7.3 pyplete==0.0.2 pep8==0.6.1 pyflakes==0.5.0 pyjslint==0.3.3 simplejson==2.6.1
  • Install Kate-plugins:


pip install Kate-plugins
ln -s /PATH/OF/THE/EGG/kate_plugins/ $(kde4-config --localprefix)/share/apps/kate/pate



cd ~/build
git clone https://github.com/goinnn/Kate-plugins
ln -s ~/build/Kate-plugins/kate_plugins/ $(kde4-config --localprefix)/share/apps/kate/pate
  • Startup Kate and enable "Python Plugins" in: Settings > Configure Kate > Plugins

You should now see three additional menu items: "Python", "Javascript", and "XML". You can change the menu configuration of easy way change the settings <https://github.com/goinnn/Kate-plugins/blob/master/kate_plugins/kate_settings_plugins.py>_


Autocomplete (python)

  • Shortcut: It is automatical
  • from and import instruction
  • autocomplete into the code (beta) with pysmell <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pysmell>_
  • There was a hook if you want to add your own packages python in the autocomplete structure. You should be create a file called "autocomplete_path.py" next to the "autocomplete.py" with a function "def path(session, doc, view)", like this:


def path(session, doc, view): if session == 'session1' return ['/PATH/OF/THE/EGG1/name1.egg', '/PATH/OF/THE/PACKAGE1/', ... '/PATH/OF/THE/EGGN/namen.egg'] elif session == 'session2': return ['/PATH/OF/THE/EGG2/name2.egg', '/PATH/OF/THE/PACKAGE2/', ... '/PATH/OF/THE/EGGN/namem.egg'] else: return ['/PATH/OF/THE/EGG2/name3.egg', '/PATH/OF/THE/PACKAGE3/', ... '/PATH/OF/THE/EGGN/namel.egg']

insert IPDB (python)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+I
  • Insert the text "import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()"

insert init (python)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+-
  • Smart insert a function init

insert super (python)

  • Shortcut: Alt+-
  • Smart insert a call to super of the function

insert call recursive (python)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+-
  • Smart insert a call to the current function recursively

PEP8 (python)

  • Shortcut: Alt+8
  • Use PEP8 to look for ugly code, highlights lines with problems
  • It uses pep8 <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pep8>_ so it must be present in the system

PyFlakes (python)

  • Shortcut: Alt+7
  • Use PyFlakes to look for bad code, highlights lines with problems
  • It uses pyflakes <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyflakes>_ so it must be present in the system

Parse syntax (python)

  • Shortcut: Alt+6 or when you save the file
  • Parse syntax this file and show a error list, or a dialog say "OK"

Check All (python/javascript)

  • Shortcut: Alt+5
  • Check pep8, pyflakes, parse syntax and jslint

Template Django urls (django)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+7
  • Smart template of the file urls.py <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/urls/#example>_

Template import views (django)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+V
  • Insert the tipical imports in a view

Create Django form (django)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F
  • Template to form class

Create Django model (django)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+M
  • Template to model class

Close Template tag (django)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+C
  • Close the last open templatetag (block, if, for, etc)

Template block (django)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+B
  • Insert a struncture like this: {% block content %}XXX{% endblock %} or {% if x > 3 %} {% endif %}

Autocomplete static to javascript (javascript)

  • Shortcut: It is automatical

Autocomplete static to jQuery (javascript)

  • Shortcut: It is automatical

jQuery ready (javascript)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+J
  • Template jQuery ready

Pretty JSON (javascript)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+J
  • Convert a horrible json in a pretty JSON :-)

JSLint (javascript)

  • Shortcut: Alt+9
  • Use JSLint to look for errors and bad code, highlights lines with problems
  • It uses pyjslint <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyjslint>_ so it must be present in the system (and working!)

Pretty XML (xhtml)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+X
  • Convert a horrible xml in a pretty XML :-)

Future Plugins

  • Clean code (core)
  • Improve autocompletes plugins (core)
  • Template tags autocomplete (django)
  • Integration with rope (python)

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