
A Python3 based package to connect with DRACOON API (async) - more infos on DRACOON here: https://dracoon.com

APACHE-2.0 License


Table of Contents

About The Project

Disclaimer: this is an unofficial repo and is not supported by DRACOON This package provides a wrapper for the DRACOON API including full crypto support. DRACOON is a cloud storage product / service (SaaS) by DRACOON GmbH (http://dracoon.com). DRACOON API documentation can be found here (Swagger UI):


Built With

List all dependencies

Getting Started

To get started, create a virtual environment in Python and install the dracoon package:

virtualenv <DIR>
source <DIR>/bin/activate 
python3 -m pip install dracoon


You will need a working Python 3 installation - check your version:

  • Python
python3 --version


  1. Install the package from PyPi
python3 -m pip install dracoon



from dracoon import DRACOON

This is the main class and contains all other adapters to access DRACOON API endpoints. The object contains a client (DRACOONClient) which handles all http connections via httpx (async).

Object creation

dracoon = DRACOON(base_url, client_id, client_secret)
  • client_id: please register your OAuth app or use dracoon_legacy_scripting (default)
  • client_secret: please register your OAuth app or use dracoon_legacy_scripting - secret is an empty string (no secret)
  • base_url: Your DRACOON URL instance (e.g. https://dracoon.team)

Optional settings

You can additionally configure the logs for any script using the following optional parameters:

  • log_stream: default is set to False – when set to True, will output the logs to console / terminal (stderr)
  • log_level: default is set to logging.INFO – if required, can be changed to e.g. logging.DEBUG (this will contain senstive information e.g. names of created objects!). In order to use the log level, import logging module
  • log_file: default is set to './dracoon.log' (based on cwd of the running script!) – you can use any path with write access to log
  • raise_on_err: default is set to False – if set to True, any HTTP error (4xx or higher) will raise an error and stop the script / application

Full parameters:

dracoon = DRACOON(base_url, client_id, client_secret, log_level, log_stream, log_file, raise_on_err)

A note to raising on errors: You can set the raise_on_err flag individually for any adapter method (e.g. nodes.get_nodes(raise_on_err=True)) to ensure the app breaks in case an error occurs.


Password flow

connection = await dracoon.connect(OAuth2ConnectionType.password_flow, username, password)

The connection result contains the tokens (access and refresh, including validity).

You need pass one of the supported OAuth2 connection types. To access the enums, import OAuth2ConnectionType:

from dracoon import DRACOON, OAuth2Connectiontype

Please note: you can only authenticate if OAuth app is correctly configured. Only local accounts (including Active Directory) can be used via password flow. Full example: Login via password flow

Authorization code flow

auth_code = input('Enter auth code:')
connection = await dracoon.connect(auth_code=auth_code)

If you do not provide a connection type, the default will be auth code. You should prompt (or fetch) the auth code via the respective url. Full example: Login via auth code

Please note: you can only authenticate if OAuth app is correctly configured. You will need a custom app with authorization code flow enabled and you will need to set your redirect uri to https://your.domain.com/oauth/callback for CLI usage (default). Otherwise, use a custom redirect uri by providing it as a parameter when creating a DRACOON instance:

DRACOON(base_url=base_url, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, redirect_uri='x-custom-handler://your.handler')

Test connection

connected = dracoon.test_connection()

This will provide a true / false result depending on the connection. If no flag is set, this will just check if the access token is valid based on the token validity. In order to test the connection with a request, use the test flag:

connected = dracoon.test_connection(test=True)

An authenticated ping is used to verify the tokens are valid.

Refresh token

All methods check for access token validity and fetch new tokens, if the access tokens expire. Therefore it should not be necessary to manually request it.

You can manually use the refresh token auth as follows, if you have an authenticated instance:

connection = await dracoon.client.connect(OAuth2ConnectionType.refresh_token)

Every connect process will update the connection.

In order to securely store a refresh token, you can access the connection:

refresh_token = dracoon.connection.refresh_token

You can then create a new authenticated object like this:

connection = await dracoon.connect(connection_type=OAuth2ConnectionType.refresh_token, refresh_token=xxxxx)

Log out

await dracoon.logout()

This will revoke both access and refresh tokens.

Send requests

  1. You can access specific API endpoints by accessing the related adapter, e.g. for users, once you have connected:
result = await dracoon.users.get_users()

Please note:

  • GET requests are limited to returning 500 items. Therefore all such requests contain an offset parameter (default is 0)
  • Providing a filter or sorting is optional - see API documentation and examples on usage – filter, sort or any other query parameter can be passed as parameter in any method
  • Raising on errors: Default is set to False – if needed, you can use the raise_on_err flag to stop for responses with HTTP status code 4xx or higher
  • If you do not connect the client, the adapters are not instantiated and
    cannot be accessed!
  • All (!) calls are async methods and need to be awaited

Available adapters:

dracoon.config  # config API including webhooks
dracoon.users  # users management
dracoon.groups # groups management
dracoon.user # user account and keypair setup
dracoon.nodes # nodes (up- and download including S3 direct up)
dracoon.shares # shares and file requests
dracoon.uploads # upload API
dracoon.reports # new reporting API
dracoon.eventlog # old eventlog API
  1. This package contains type hints and includes models for all payloads and responses (updates and create payloads).
    To faciliate compliant object creation, there are several helper methods which can be found via make_, e.g.:
room = dracoon.nodes.make_room(...)

This helps finding the right parameters and building objects that are compliant with the DRACOON models.

Aynchronous requests

With httpx this package supports full async request handling. This means all methods are coroutines which can be awaited. You can use any runtime supported by httpx, e.g. asyncio (which comes with Python3).

In order to send requests asynchronously, you can use asyncio.gather() – example:

user1_res = dracoon.users.create_user(user1)
user2_res = dracoon.users.create_user(user2)
user3_res = dracoon.users.create_user(user3)

users = await asyncio.gather(user1_res, user2_res, user3_res, ...)

The result is completely typed and returns a tuple with the responses in the order you sent the request: For users[0] you receive user_1_res and so on.

Caution: It is not recommended to use massive async requests for creating objects (e.g. creating rooms) or permissions based operations, as this might cause unexpected behaviour / errors.

For these cases, use small batches (e.g. 2 - 3 requests) to process requests faster without compromising the DRACOON API.

Example for batches:

room1_res = dracoon.nodes_create_room(room1)
room2_res = dracoon.nodes_create_room(room2)
room3_res = dracoon.nodes_create_room(room3)


rooms = await asyncio.gather(room1_res, room2_res, room3_res, ...)

You can additionally use a helper to create an iterator with a given batch size:

rooms_reqs = [dracoon.nodes.create_room(room) for room in rooms]

# will process 10 requests concurrently 
for reqs in dracoon.batch_process(coro_list=room_reqs, batch_size=10):
  await asyncio.gather(*reqs)


rooms = await asyncio.gather(room1_res, room2_res, room3_res, ...)


DRACOON cryptography is fully supported by the package. In order to use it, import the relevant functions or en- and decryptors:

from dracoon.crypto import create_plain_userkeypair
from dracoon.crypto import create_file_key

Create a new keypair

The account adapter (user) includes a method to set a new keypair:


A new keypair will be generated (4096bit RSA asymmetric). Prior to setting a new keypair you always need to delete the old one! Please note: Deleting a keypair can cause data loss.

Getting your (plain) keypair

In order to work with encrypted rooms you will need to access your keypair:

await dracoon.get_keypair(secret=secret)

This method of the main API wrapper will accept a secret (that you need to pass or prompt) returns the plain keypair and stores in in the client for the current session.

En- and decode on the fly (in memory)

For smaller payload you can directly use the functions returning either plain or encrypted bytes like this:

plain_bytes = decrypt_bytes(enc_data, plain_file_key)
enc_bytes = encrypt_bytes(plain_data, plain_file_key)


For larger files it is recommended to encrypt (and upload) in chunks. An example of encryptor usage:

dracoon_cipher = FileEncryptionCipher(plain_file_key=plain_file_key)
enc_chunk = dracoon_cipher.encode_bytes(chunk)
last_data, plain_file_key = dracoon_cipher.finalize()

You can instantiate an encryptor / decryptor by passing a plain file key. When finalizing, you need to add the last data to the last chunk. The result of the completed encryption is an updated plain_file_key with a specific tag.

Hint: You do not need to implement the upload process and can directly use full methods in the uploads adapter (see next chapter).



The nodes and uploads adapters include full methods to upload data to DRACOON and includes chunking and encryption support. Implementing the upload with respective calls is not recommended - please use the main wrapper (see example below) instead.

Here is an example of uploading a file to an encrypted room:

    source = '/Example/Path/test.mov'
    target = '/Example/Target/'
    await dracoon.upload(file_path=source, target_path=target)

The default chunk size is 32 MB but can be passed as an option (chunksize, in bytes).

If you have the node id of the target room / folder, you can also pass this and ommit the target_path like this:

    await dracoon.upload(file_path=source, target_parent_id=999)

You can also pass a custom file name, if required:

    await dracoon.upload(file_path=source, target_parent_id=999, file_name='my_custom.pdf')

The main API wrapper includes a method that includes upload for encrypted and unencrypted files. Full example: File upload


The downloads adapter includes full methods to download data from DRACOON including chunking and encryption support.

As with uploads, the main wrapper has a method which handles encryption, keypair and file key. Usage:

target = '/Example/Target'
source = '/DEMO/testfile.bin'
await dracoon.download(file_path=source, target_path=target)

You can also pass a custom file name, if required:

await dracoon.download(file_path=source, target_path=target, file_name='custom_file.pdf')

If a file already exists, a FileConflictError will be raised (file is not overwritten).

Full example: Download files


In order to keep track of a transfer progress, both up- and download accept a callback function which accepts a value of the changed bytes and the total size of the binary once (when initializing).

A function should therefore adhere to the following signature:

class Callback(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, val: int, total: int = ...) -> Any:

The function should accept the bytes as first value and accept the total as an optional parameter.

A base class to build own jobs is also provided and called TransferJob - usage with inheritance (demo with tqdm as progress bar):

class CustomTransferJob(TransferJob):
    """ object representing a single transfer (up- / download) """
    progress_bar = None
    def __init__(self) -> None:
    def update_progress(self, val: int, total: int = None) -> None:
        self.transferred += val
        if total is not None and self.total == 0:
            self.total = total
            self.progress_bar = tqdm(unit='iMB',unit_divisor=1024, total=self.total, unit_scale=True)
        if self.progress_bar:
    def __del__(self):
        if self.progress_bar:
    def progress(self):
        if self.total > 0:
            return self.transferred / self.total
            return 0

A full example can be found here:

Use transfer callbacks

Error handling

In order to perform error handling, you can import needed errors from the errors module:

from dracoon.errors import DRACOONBaseError, DRACOONHttpError, HTTPNotFoundError

The error hirarchy is like this:

  • DRACOONBaseError - main error class
    • DRACOONCryptoError - error related to crypto operations
      • individual crypto errors
    • DRACOONHttpError - error with response status code > 3xx (4xx and above)
      • HTTPNotFoundError - individual error named after response, e.g. 404 Not Found
    • DRACOONClientError - error with the client (not connected etc.)
      • individual crypto errors
    • DRACOONValidationError - errors validating input
      • individual validation errors (e.g. FileConflictError)

In order to raise exceptions based on HTTP status codes you MUST provide the raise_on_err flag for the method like this:

await dracoon.users.get_users(raise_on_err=True)

Alternatively you can set raise_on_err globally when creating the DRACOON object:

dracoon = DRACOON(base_url=base_url, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, log_level=logging.INFO, raise_on_err=True)

Example of catching errors:

   await dracoon.users.get_user(user_id=999)
except HTTPNotFoundError:
  print("User not found")
except HTTPForbiddenError:
  print("User is not a user manager - operation not allowed")
except DRACOONHttpError:
  print("Oops, an unknown error ocurred")


For examples, check out the example files:


  • Add branding API


Distributed under the Apache License. See LICENSE for more information.

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