
A very simple cross-OS and python GUI+CLI to manage environment variables.

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



A very simple GUI and CLI to manage environment variables.

Project page : https://smarie.github.io/env-switcher-gui/

Developer memo for QtDesigner


This is a kind of MVC pattern where

  • the View is made of two parts: the static one UI_MainWindow, generated with qt designer, and the dynamic one EnvSwitcherView. It deals with the various widgets and popups.
  • the Model is provided by EnvSwitcherState and deals with the configuration files and persistence.
  • the Controller, or the Application, is provided by EnvSwitcherApp and provides the Qt application boilerplate as well as persistence of the application settings (recent edited files).

PyQt Code generation

Prerequisite: install PyQt5, but warning: using pip to install pyqt in anaconda root may compromise your global conda environment (see here)

  • Run designer, save file as *.ui for example we use ./ui/sprint2_dynamic.ui
  • Generate equivalent python file with pyuic5 ui/sprint2_dynamic.ui -o envswitch/qt_design.py

Want to contribute ?

Contributions are welcome ! Simply fork this project on github, commit your contributions, and create pull requests.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of interesting open topics: https://github.com/smarie/env-switcher-gui/issues

Running the tests

This project uses pytest.

pytest -v envswitch/tests/

You may need to install requirements for tests beforehand, using

pip install -r ci_tools/requirements-test.txt


Python wheel

This project uses setuptools_scm to synchronise the version number. Therefore the following command should be used for development snapshots as well as official releases:

python setup.py egg_info bdist_wheel rotate -m.whl -k3

You may need to install requirements for setup beforehand, using

pip install -r ci_tools/requirements-setup.txt

Standalone app

To build the executable distribution there is a separate setup file for cx_freeze.

The following command builds a distribution folder under build/ containing all resources needed and an envswitch executable for you platform.

python setup_cx_app.py build

The following command builds a .msi distribution for windows in dist/

python setup_cx_app.py bdist_msi

The following command builds a RPM distribution for linux in dist/

python setup_cx_app.py bdist_rpm

The following command builds a .app distribution for mac in dist/

python setup_cx_app.py bdist_mac

The following command builds a DMG disk image distribution for mac

python setup_cx_app.py bdist_dmg

Generating the documentation page

This project uses mkdocs to generate its documentation page. Therefore building a local copy of the doc page may be done using:

mkdocs build

You may need to install requirements for doc beforehand, using

pip install -r ci_tools/requirements-doc.txt

Generating the test reports

The following commands generate the html test report and the associated badge. Note that in order for the test to succeed, you should create an environment variable named 'FOO' beforehand, with random content.

pytest --junitxml=junit.xml -v envswitch/tests/
ant -f ci_tools/generate-junit-html.xml
python ci_tools/generate-junit-badge.py

PyPI Releasing memo

This project is now automatically deployed to PyPI by Travis when a tag is created. Anyway, for manual deployment we can use:

twine upload dist/* -r pypitest
twine upload dist/*
Package Rankings
Top 18.08% on Pypi.org
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