
An improved shell command for the Flask CLI

MIT License



|pypi-package| |build-status|

.. image:: https://github.com/sloria/flask-konch/assets/2379650/9f6b0518-50d3-422f-af63-17c61f7eb7d8 :alt: Flask-Konch screenshot

An improved shell command for Flask

Flask-Konch adds an improved shell command, flask konch, to the Flask CLI <http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.11/cli/>_.

Benefits of flask konch over flask shell

  • Uses IPython, BPython, or ptpython if available, and falls back to built-in interpreter
  • Automatically imports top-level Flask functions and classes by default
  • Define additional variables to include in the shell context
  • Configurable banner and prompt

Flask-Konch uses konch <https://github.com/sloria/konch>_, a shell configuration utility, under the hood.

Get it now


pip install flask-konch


To run the shell:

.. code-block:: bash

export FLASK_APP=path/to/app.py flask konch

To add additional variables to the shell context:

.. code-block:: python

app = Flask(name) app.config.update({"KONCH_CONTEXT": {"db": database, "User": User}})

Configuration options

  • KONCH_FLASK_IMPORTS: Whether to automatically import top-level Flask functions and classes. Defaults to True.
  • KONCH_FLASK_SHELL_CONTEXT: Whether to automatically import Flask shell context, as registered by shell_context_processor(f) <http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.12/api/#flask.Flask.shell_context_processor>_. Defaults to True.
  • KONCH_CONTEXT: Dictionary of additional variables to include in the shell context.
  • KONCH_SHELL: May be 'ipy', 'bpy', 'ptpy', 'ptipy', 'py', or 'auto' (default).
  • KONCH_BANNER: Custom banner.
  • KONCH_PROMPT: Custom input prompt.
  • KONCH_OUTPUT: Custom output prompt.
  • KONCH_CONTEXT_FORMAT: Format to display shell context. May be 'full', 'short', or a function that receives the context dictionary as input and returns a string.
  • KONCH_IPY_AUTORELOAD: Whether to load and enable the IPython autoreload extension (must be using ipython shell).
  • KONCH_IPY_EXTENSIONS: List of IPython extension names to load (must be using ipython shell).
  • KONCH_IPY_COLORS: IPython color style.
  • KONCH_IPY_HIGHLIGHTING_STYLE: IPython code highlighting style.
  • KONCH_PTPY_VI_MODE: Enable vi mode (must be using ptpython shell).


MIT licensed. See the bundled LICENSE <https://github.com/sloria/flask-konch/blob/master/LICENSE>_ file for more details.

.. |pypi-package| image:: https://badgen.net/pypi/v/flask-konch :target: https://pypi.org/project/flask-konch/ :alt: Latest PyPI version .. |build-status| image:: https://github.com/sloria/flask-konch/actions/workflows/build-release.yml/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/sloria/flask-konch/actions/workflows/build-release.yml :alt: Build status