
Simple API to copy files to and from Google Cloud Storage

MIT License



Simple API to copy files to and from Google Cloud Storage


pip install gcs-uri


gcs-uri exposes the following functions as its main public API

  • copy_file
  • copy_dir
  • copy_files

These functions do exactly what they sound like they do.

copy_file will copy a source file (either a local file or a remote blob in GCS) to destination file (either a local file or remote blob in GCS).

copy_dir will recursively copy the contents of a directory (either a local directory or a remote "directory" in GCS) to a destination directory (either a local directory or a remote "directory" in GCS)

copy_files will copy a list of source files (either local files or remote blobs in GCS or a mix of local files/remote blobs) to a corresponding set of destination files (either local files or remote blobs in GCS of a mix of local files/remote blobs)

If the second argument to copy_files is of type str | Path | Blob (as opposed to a Sequence), then this argument is treated like a directory and each of the source files are "flattened" (i.e. folder delimiters are removed) and copied under the destintation directory.

The idea being that you can pass just about any object to these functions and the functions will figures how to do the copying.


Local file -> local file

In this case copy_file behaves just like shutil.copy2 or cp, copying the source file to the destination file locally.

src = '/my/src/file.txt'
dst = '/my/dst/file.txt'

copy_file(src, dst)

src and dst can also be pathlib.Path objects:

from pathlib import Path

src = Path('/my/src/file.txt')
dst = Path('/my/dst/file.txt')

copy_file(src, dst)

Local dir -> local dir

In this case copy_dir behaves just like shutil.copytree (or somewhat like rsync, but copy_dir will "re-copy" all files to the destination whether they exist in the the destination or not).

src = '/my/src'
dst = '/my/dst'

copy_dir(src, dst)

# if there was a file `/my/src/a/b.txt` after `copy_dir`
# there would then be a file `/my/dst/a/b.txt`

The source and destination can include or omit a trailing slash and the results are the same as above.

Local file -> remote file (upload)

To copy a file to a google cloud bucket, barely anything has to change, the destination should simply be a google storage URI:

src = '/my/src/file.txt'
dst = 'gs://my-bkt/dst/file.txt'

copy_file(src, dst)

If you would like gcs-uri to use a particular Google Storage Client, this can be provided as a keyword(-only) argument (the same applies to copy_dir):

from google.cloud import storage

client = storage.Client()

src = '/my/src/file.txt'
dst = 'gs://my-bkt/dst/file.txt'

copy_file(src, dst, client=client)

If no client is provided and either of the source or destinations (or both) are determined to represent a remote location then gcs-uri will try to instantiate a client by calling storage.Client().

Note, we can provided gcs-uri with "richer" objects (instead of just strings):

from pathlib import Path
from google.cloud import storage

client = storage.Client()

src = Path('/my/src/file.txt')
dst = storage.Blob.from_string('gs://my-bkt/dst/file.txt', client=client)

copy_file(src, dst)

Local dir -> remote dir (upload)

The concepts from the previous sections apply here:

src = '/my/src'
dst = 'gs://my-bkt/dst'

copy_dir(src, dst)

# if there was a file `/my/src/a/b.txt` after `copy_dir`
# there would then be a blob `gs://my-bkt/dst/a/b.txt`

Remote file -> local file (download)

src = 'gs://my-bkt/src/file.txt'
dst = '/my/dst/file.txt'

copy_file(src, dst)

Remote dir -> local dir (download)

src = 'gs://my-bkt/src'
dst = '/my/dst'

copy_dir(src, dst)

Remote file -> remote file (transfer)

src = 'gs://my-bkt/src/file.txt'
dst = 'gs://my-other-bkt/dst/file.txt'

copy_file(src, dst)

Remote dir -> remote dir (transfer)

src = 'gs://my-bkt/src'
dst = 'gs://my-other-bkt/dst'

copy_dir(src, dst)

List of local files -> list of remote files

srcs = ['/my/src/file1.txt', '/my/src/file2.txt']
dsts = ['gs://my-bkt/dst/file1.txt', 'gs://my-bkt/dst/file2.txt']

copy_files(srcs, dsts)
# copies: /my/src/file1.txt -> gs://my-bkt/dst/file1.txt
# copies: /my/src/file2.txt -> gs://my-bkt/dst/file2.txt

List of local files -> remote dir

srcs = ['/my/src/file1.txt', '/my/src/file2.txt']
dst = 'gs://my-bkt/dst'

copy_files(srcs, dst)
# copies: /my/src/file1.txt -> gs://my-bkt/dst/my-src-file1.txt
# copies: /my/src/file2.txt -> gs://my-bkt/dst/my-src-file2.txt


# src/gcs_uri.py

def copy_file(
    src: str | Path | Blob,
    dst: str | Path | Blob,
    client: Client | None = None,
    quiet: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Copy a single file.

    If `src` and `dst` are both determined to be local files then `client` is ignored.

def copy_dir(
    src: str | Path | Blob,
    dst: str | Path | Blob,
    client: Client | None = None,
    quiet: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Copy a directory (recursively).

    If `src` and `dst` are both determined to be local directories
    then `client` is ignored.

def copy_files(
    srcs: Sequence[str | Path | Blob],
    dsts: str | Path | Blob | Sequence[str | Path | Blob],
    client: Client | None = None,
    quiet: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Copy a list of files.

    If `dsts` is a `str | Path | Blob` it is treated as a directory
    and each of the files in `srcs` will have its name "flattened" and will be
    copied under `dsts`.

    if `dsts` is a `Sequence[str | Path | Blob]` it is zipped with `srcs`, i.e.
    each file in `srcs` is copied to its corresponding entry in `dsts`.


This package comes with some basic end-to-end (e2e) tests. They require an active google cloud project with the google storage API enabled.

To help with running them there is a utility script in the root of this repo: run_e2e_tests.py.

usage: run_e2e_tests.py [-h] [-v] [-c GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS]
                        [-u TEST_STORAGE_URI]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
                        Google cloud service account to use.
  -u TEST_STORAGE_URI, --test-storage-uri TEST_STORAGE_URI
                        Google storage uri to use when running e2e tests.

This script requires you to provided a service account json file as we'll as a URI to a location in google cloud which the tests will use to copy blobs to/from. (IMPORTANT: all blobs at and beneath the location you specifify will be removed - the bucket itself will not be removed).

So, run the e2e tests with something like:

python -m run_e2e_tests -c "path/to/service-account.json" -u "gs://my-bkt/gcs-uri-tests"


  1. Have or install a recent version of poetry (version >= 1.1)
  2. Fork the repo
  3. Setup a virtual environment (however you prefer)
  4. Run poetry install
  5. Run pre-commit install
  6. Add your changes (adding/updating tests is always nice too)
  7. Commit your changes + push to your fork
  8. Open a PR
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