
Playing around with Sino-Korean words


Hanja Graph Project

Author: Pablo Estrada < pablo (at) snu (dot) ac (dot) kr >

This repo contains the code resulting from the Hanja Graph Project, developed by Pablo Estrada, as a sideproject.


  • Crawlers - This is the folder containing the crawlers to download the data.
    At the moment of this writting, there is just one crawler implemented.
  • Formatters - This is the folder containing the small python scripts that take
    the files created by the crawlers and output an acceptable graph-format file.
  • Analysis - This folder contains the scripts that do analysis over the graph.
  • Test_data - This folder contains some data provided for test if anyone would
    just want to have the data after all the processing
    • graph.graphml - This contains the full graph, with links between hanja
      and korean words. No bipartite distinction.
    • hanja_list.json - This contains the list of hanjas as returned by the
    • words.nospace.json - This contains the list of korean words, as
      returned by the crawler.
    • korean_unip_projection.graphml - This file contains the projection of
      the korean words from the bipartite graph. In the current version, the edge
      weights are 1 or 2, depending on how many chinese characters are shared
      between two words.


Scrape Kanjis

These are the utilities to scrape the Kanji information in 'http://www.manythings.org/kanji/d/'. They all serve different purposes.

  • scrape_kanji.py - This is the main scraper. It gets the data and outputs a JSON file with
    words, and Kanjis. This JSON file can be used to generate the graphml file.
  • make_kanji_graph.py - This takes the JSON output from scrape.py, and makes it into a Graphml

Scrape naver

Not yet available : )

Obtaining synonyms

Obtaining the synonyms training set

To generate the synonyms training set we need to follow these steps:

(1) Use the graph dataset to obtain the features of each node pair

$> nohup ./bin/generate_csv_p.py data/hanja_unip.graphml res.csv 4

(2) Obtain the 'zeros' in the training set. We do this through random sampling from the main CSV file

$> shuf -n 1000 data/res.csv > data/training_zeros

$> ./bin/removeFirstColumns training_zeros data/training_non_related.csv

(3) Obtain the 'synonyms' in the training set * Obtain a random set of hanjas from the res.csv file

$> shuf -n 1000 data/res.csv | awk -F "," '{print $3}' > data/tmp

$> cat data/tmp | sort | uniq > data/random_hanjas.txt

  • Obtain synonyms and antonyms for these hanjas

$> ./bin/scrapeSynonyms data/random_hanjas.txt data/antonyms_hanja.txt data/synonyms_hanja.txt

  • Get the features from these pairs of synonyms or antonyms

$> ./bin/extractPairsFromCsv data/synonyms_hanja.txt data/res.csv data/synonyms.csv

(4). Use the result to run a classification scheme ; )

Runing the classification script

(1) Run the classification script

$> ./bin/get_synonyms.py data/res.csv data/synonyms_training.csv data/training_non_related.csv data/guess_syn1.txt

(2) Verify the results

$> ./bin/checkSynonyms data/guess_syn1.txt

(3) Verify the data by hand // Since Naver does not know all the Hanja synonyms

$> ./bin/get_pairs_meanings.py data/guess_syn1.txt output [amount]

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