
🖥 ipyparallel.Client package for a PBS or SLURM cluster with a headnode

MIT License



🖥 ipyparallel.Client package for a PBS or SLURM cluster with a headnode.

Script that connects to PBS or SLURM cluster with headnode over ssh. Since ipyparallel doesn't cull enginges when inactive and people are lazy (because they forget to qdel their jobs), it automatically kills the ipengines after the set timeout (default=15 min). Note that this package doesn't only work for the hpc05 cluster on the TU Delft but also other clusters.


First install this package on both your machine and the cluster.

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install hpc05

or using pip

pip install hpc05

Make sure you can connect over ssh passwordless by copying your ssh key:

ssh-copy-id hpc05

Setup profile

You need a parallel profile on your cluster, which can be created by the following command on your local machine:

import hpc05
# for PBS use
hpc05.create_remote_pbs_profile(profile='pbs', hostname='hpc05')  # on the remote machine
# or
hpc05.create_local_pbs_profile(profile='pbs')  # on the cluster

# for SLURM use
hpc05.create_remote_slurm_profile(profile='slurm', hostname='hpc05')  # on the remote machine
# or
hpc05.create_local_slurm_profile(profile='slurm')  # on the cluster

Start ipcluster and connect (via ssh)

To start and connect to an ipcluster just do (and read the error messages if any, for instructions):

client, dview, lview = hpc05.start_remote_and_connect(
	n=100, profile='pbs', hostname='hpc05', folder='~/your_folder_on_the_cluster/')

This is equivent to the following three commmands:

# 0. Killing and removing files of an old ipcluster (this is optional with
#    the `start_remote_and_connect` function, use the `kill_old_ipcluster` argument)

# 1. starting an `ipcluster`, similar to running
#    `ipcluster start --n=100 --profile=pbs` on the cluster headnode.
hpc05.start_remote_ipcluster(n=100, profile='pbs', hostname='hpc05')

# 2. Connecting to the started ipcluster and adding a folder to the cluster's `PATH`
client, dview, lview = hpc05.connect_ipcluster(
	n=200, profile='pbs', hostname='hpc05', folder='~/your_folder_on_the_cluster/')

Start ipcluster and connect (on cluster headnode)

To start and connect to an ipcluster just do (and read the error messages if any, for instructions):

client, dview, lview = hpc05.start_and_connect(
	n=100, profile='pbs',  folder='~/your_folder_on_the_cluster/')

This is equivent to the following three commmands:

# 0. Killing and removing files of an old ipcluster (this is optional with
#    the `start_remote_and_connect` function, use the `kill_old_ipcluster` argument)

# 1. starting an `ipcluster`, similar to `ipcluster start --n=200 --profile=pbs`
hpc05.start_ipcluster(n=200, profile='pbs')

# 2. Connecting to the started ipcluster and adding a folder to the cluster's `PATH`
client, dview, lview = hpc05.connect_ipcluster(
	n=200, profile='pbs', folder='~/your_folder_on_the_cluster/')

Monitor resources

This package will monitor your resources if you start it with hpc05_monitor.start(client), see the following example use:

import time
import hpc05_monitor
hpc05_monitor.start(client, interval=5)  # update hpc05_monitor.MAX_USAGE every 'interval' seconds.

while not hpc05_monitor.LATEST_DATA:

hpc05_monitor.print_usage()  # uses hpc05_monitor.LATEST_DATA by default

hpc05_monitor.print_max_usage()  # uses hpc05_monitor.MAX_USAGE

With output:

 id hostname             date                             CPU% MEM%
 15 node29.q1cluster     2018-09-10T14:25:05.350499       190%   3%
 19 node29.q1cluster     2018-09-10T14:25:04.860693       200%   3%
 26 node29.q1cluster     2018-09-10T14:25:05.324466       200%   3%
 28 node29.q1cluster     2018-09-10T14:25:05.148623       190%   2%
 29 node29.q1cluster     2018-09-10T14:25:04.737664       190%   3%


We use pre-commit for linting of the code, so pip install pre_commit and run

pre-commit install

in the repository.