


This a simple project to allow a webservice that processes the image.


The project user Docker and Docker Compose.

To install Docker, follow the instructions in the Docker documentation.


To run the project create a .env file in the root directory of the project, use the .env-copy file as a template.

To build the project:

docker-compose build

Install alembic to manage the database migrations:

pip install alembic

Start the project:

docker-compose up

To run the migrations:

alembic upgrade head

The project uses minio as a storage service. Create a bucket in minio which is accessible at http://localhost:9000 with the credentials and name in the .env file.

The project is accessible at http://localhost:8000.


The project uses poetry to manage the dependencies. To install the dependencies, run:

poetry install

Use docker compose to build the project:

docker-compose build

To run the project:

docker-compose up

The project uses pre-commit to run the linters and formatters. To install the pre-commit hooks, run:

pre-commit install