
Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree Item Catalog Project


Item Catalog

Part of the Udacity Front-End Web Development Nanodegree

A web application that provides a list of items and their information within a variety of categories and integrates third party user registration and authentication. Also includes a JSON API endpoint.



Using the Udacity Vagrant VM and the virtualenv provided in the repo will cover all requirements/dependencies. Including:

  • Virtualenv
  • Flask (0.12.1)
  • Flask-HTTPAuth (3.2.2)
  • Flask-Login (0.4.0)
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy (2.2)
  • SQLAlchemy (1.1.9)
  • httplib2 (0.10.3)
  • Jinja2 (2.8)
  • oauth2client (4.0.0)
  • oauthlib (1.0.3)
  • requests-oauthlib (0.8.0)
  • Werkzeug (0.12.1)

Setup external APIs

  1. Set up a new Google project here.
  2. Set up Oauth2 under the google API manager.
  3. Copy the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET into

Setup virtualenv

  1. Ensure virtualenv is installed - guide
  2. Add virtualenv folder for application:
    $ virtualenv env
  3. Activate virtualenv
    $ source env/bin/activate
  4. Import requirements
    $ env/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run Item Catalog App

  1. Navigate to udacity-fsnd-item-catalog/app
  2. Run with $ env/bin/python3
  3. Server will run at localhost:5000
  4. Optional - populate database with test data:
  • env/bin/python3

Udacity Vagrant VM

Allows for easy usage with same system configuration used during development:

  1. Ensure Vagrant, Virtual Box and Python are installed on your machine.
  2. Clone the Udacity fullstack-nanodegree-vm
  3. Clone or download this repo into the /vagrant directory
  4. Launch the VM:
  • vagrant$ vagrant up
  1. SSH into the VM:
  • On Mac/Linux vagrant$ vagrant ssh
    • Gives SSH connection details on windows
  • Windows use Putty or similar SSH client
  1. In the VM navigate to the /vagrant/udacity-fsnd-item-catalog directory:
  • $ cd /vagrant/udacity-fsnd-item-catalog
  1. Usage is the same as in the Usage section