
Jupyter Notebook → reStructuredText Cells

MIT License


.. Author: Akshay Mestry [email protected] .. Created on: Sunday, September 15 2024 .. Last updated on: Sunday, September 15 2024

Jupyter Notebook reStructuredText Cells

A Python utility for converting Jupyter notebooks into reStructuredText cells and splitting them into smaller snippets.

What is JupyterCell?

JupyterCell is an open-source tool designed to simplify the process of embedding Jupyter Notebook cells into Sphinx websites. With JupyterCell, you can convert your entire notebook into reStructuredText (rST) and automatically split the converted content into smaller, manageable snippets-each containing code cells and their outputs.

This project is built for educators, researchers, and developers who need a more flexible way to include specific code snippets from notebooks in their documentation projects. JupyterCell handles the tedious work of converting and splitting, so you can focus on creating insightful content for your audience.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.11+
  • Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab
  • Sphinx (for rST-based documentation)
  • Optional: virtual environment (recommended)

To get started with JupyterCell, you'll need to have Python and the required dependencies installed. Here's how you can set things up:


.. code-block:: bash

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate    # On Windows, use `env\Scripts\activate`

Now, install the package directly from PyPI:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install jupyter-cell


You can use JupyterCell from the command line with the following syntax:

.. code-block:: bash

jupyter-cell --notebook path/to/notebook.ipynb [--prefix <prefix>] [--keep]
  • --notebook (-n) [Required]: The path to the Jupyter notebook you want to
  • --prefix [Optional]: Prefix for the generated snippet files (Default:
  • --keep [Optional]: Whether to keep the full RST file after splitting
    into snippets (Default: False).


Suppose you have a Jupyter Notebook called some_notebook.ipynb in your current directory. To convert and split it into smaller rST snippets, run the following command:

.. code-block:: bash

jupyter-cell --notebook some_notebook.ipynb --prefix snippet- --keep

This will produce:

  • A full some_notebook.rst file.
  • Several smaller files, each named snippet-1.rst, snippet-2.rst, etc.,
    containing individual cells or cell/output pairs.

The --keep flag ensures that the original some_notebook.rst is preserved.


Contributions and/or suggestions are welcome! If you find a bug, have a feature request, or want to contribute improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


JupyterCell is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE_ file for more details.

.. _LICENSE: https://github.com/xames3/jupyter-cell/blob/main/LICENSE