
Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to evaluate cells of code in a running IPython REPL

MIT License



This Sublime Text 2/3 plugin lets you evaluate blocks of code in a running IPython kernel, connecting the editor to your REPL workflow.

You may find it useful to run code cells from the editor when it would be inconvenient and error-prone to type at the console and overkill to switch to the json-based notebook format, e.g. interactive experimentation, one-off scripts, debugging existing scripts. The cell delimiter tag ## is a simple comment, so pure Python cells are fully compatible with vanilla Python files.

Both line and cell magics are supported.

Examples of code cells

## this is a cell
x = 5

## this is another cell
x = 10
y = 9000

%load_ext rmagic
X = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
Y = np.random.rand(5)

## here's a cell magic to call R
%%R -i X,Y -o XYcoef
XYlm = lm(Y~X)
XYcoef = coef(XYlm)


Requires IPython 1.0+

Clone this repo into Sublime's Packages directory.

If you don't know where that folder is, open Sublime Text, go to Preferences > Browse Packages and see where you end up.


Make sure you are running an instance of one of ipython console, qtconsole or notebook. The plugin will connect to the most recently launched kernel on your system.

Now, if you set your document's syntax highlighting to IPython or use the .ipy file extension, evaluate code between any two ## tags by pressing cmd+enter on Mac or ctrl+enter on Linux. The cursor will jump to the next cell. Place muliple cursors in multiple cells to run them all in succession. Confirmation and error tracebacks will appear in Sublime's console (to pull that up, type ctrl+"`").

Individual cells can be folded and unfolded using cmd+".".

If you are running IPython inside a virtual environment, you can provide the path of your active virtualenv to SublimeIPython using cmd+opt+v (ctrl+alt+v) so that the appropriate Python binary is called.


  • Currently, ST2 blocks while a cell is evaluating. This should be asynchronous.

  • Provide selection of running kernel instances to connect to.

  • Convert-to-notebook feature

  • Key binding to toggle pdb breakpoints

  • Code completion

It would also be nice to:

  • broadcast errors and output to the interactive front-end (right now errors are printed in sublime's console)

  • forward input/raw_input requests to the interactive front-end

  • add windows support

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