
Self-supervised Learning for Precise Pick-and-place without Object Model

GPL-3.0 License


Learning Pick-and-place

In this repository, we've published the code for our publication Self-supervised Learning for Precise Pick-and-place without Object Model (RA-L 2020). As only parts of the code were specifically written for this publication, we introduce the code structure regarding the overall project idea.


The overall structure is as follows:

  • Scripts The main part of the project is written in Python. This includes the general program logic, calculating the next action with Tensorflow Keras, data management, learning, ...
  • Learning The core part of this repository is learning for various tasks in robotic manipulation. All code for that lies within the scripts/learning directory.
  • Database Server This is a database server for collecting and uploading data and images. The server has a web interface for showing all episodes in a dataset and displaying the latest action live.
  • Include / Src The low-level control of the hardware, in particular for the robot and the cameras, written in C++. The robot uses MoveIt! for control. The camera drivers for Ensenso and RealSense are included, either via direct access or an optional ros node. The latter is helpful because the Ensenso needs a long time to connect and crashes sometimes afterwards.

This project is a ROS package with launch files and a package.xml. The ROS node /move_group is set to respawn=true. This enables to call rosnode kill /move_group to restart it.


For the robotic hardware, make sure to load launch/gripper-config.json as the Franka end-effector configuration. Currently, following dependencies need to be installed:

  • ROS Kinetic
  • libfranka & franka_ros
  • EnsensoSDK

And all requirements for Python 3.6 via Pip and python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements.txt. Patching CvBridge for Python3 and CMake >= 3.12 is given by a snippet in GitLab. It is recommended to export to PYTHONPATH in .bashrc: export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/Documents/bin_picking/scripts.


First, start the mongodb daemon and the database server via python3 database/app.py afterwards. Then launch roslaunch bin_picking realsense.launch (or ensenso.launch) for bringing up the camera node and the MoveIt! node for the Franka Panda. Finally, run rosrun bin_picking grasping.py for moving the robot.


Group Parameter Commonly used value
Manipulation Primitives Pre-shaped gripper widths [0.025, 0.05, 0.07, 0.086] m
Grasp z-offset 0.015 m
Place z-offset -0.009 m
Experiment Approach distance 0.12 m
Image distance 0.35 m
Box size 0.172 x 0.281 x 0.07 m
Gripper force 20.0 N
Change bins for grasping True
Bin empty at max grasp reward 0.1
Change bins at failed grasps 12
Number of selected grasp embeddings 200
Number of selected place embeddings 200
Bin empty at max grasp reward 0.1
Learning Camera image size 752 x 480 px
Window image size 200 x 200 px
Scaled window image size 32 x 32 px
Inference image size 110 x 110 px
Grasp Loss Weight 1
Place Loss Weight 1 + 5 * place_reward
Merge Loss Weight 4 * (1 + 5 * place_reward)
Embedding Size z 48
Training Batch Size 64
Optimizer Adam with initial LR: 1e-4
LR Scheduler Reduce on plateau: Factor: 0.2, Patience: 20
Neural Network Architecture Source Code
Image Distribution Use Hindsight True
Use Further Hindsight True
Use Negative Foresight True
Use Own Goal True
Use Different Goals True
Jittered Hindsight Images 3
Jittered Hindsight Images (x-axis only) 3
Jittered Goal Images 2
Different Episodes Images 2
Different Episodes Images (reward > 0) 4
Different Object Images (reward > 0) 4
Different Jittered Object Images (reward > 0) 0
Jittered Pose Distribution Triangular Low: 1 mm, 0.06 rad
Jittered Pose Distribution Triangular Mid: 6 mm, 0.32 rad
Jittered Pose Distribution Triangular High: 15 mm, 1.5 rad

Robot Learning Database

The robot learning database is a database, server and viewer for research around robotic grasping. It is based on MongoDB, Flask, Vue.js. It shows an overview of all episodes as well as live actions. It can also delete recorded episodes. The server can be started via python3.6 database/app.py, afterwards open localhost in your browser.