
Just a package with lots of files and testing stuff with moveit and grasping related things with REEM


Package with stuff for testing grasping with REEM.

Installation instructions for using this package:

Before doing catkin_make of ORK do:

source ~/reem-sim_ws/devel/setup.bash

So you correctly overlay workspaces (info:

Then I would recommend you to do another workspace (just to keep things separated and skipping compiling everything all the time):

    1. Install this package rosinstall in a new workspace (reem_manipulation_ws for example):
cd ~
mkdir -p ~/reem_manipulation_ws/src && cd ~/reem_manipulation_ws/src

wstool init .
wstool merge

wstool update -j8

cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y

source ~/ork_ws/devel/setup.bash

=== Launch stuff ===

  • Launch simulation of REEM in a world with a table and some objects over it (world:=objects_in_table), also, launch it with the Xtion over REEM head (robot:=rgbd)
roslaunch reem_gazebo reem_gazebo.launch world:=objects_on_table robot:=rgbd
  • You probably want to reduce the rate of publishing of the rgbd data once the simulation is running:
roslaunch reem_rgbd_launch simulation_reduce_rate.launch
  • Launch block grasp generator server and grasp object server:
roslaunch reem_tabletop_grasping tabletop_grasping.launch
  • Run MoveIt! Rviz GUI for REEM (with last version of REEM public simulation MoveIt! is started by default):
roslaunch reem_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true
  • Move REEM's head to look down:
rosrun reem_snippets
  • You can test a dummy pick and place of a virtual object executing:
rosrun moveit_grasping_testing

You will be able to see REEM in Rviz planning the motions pretty fast, we have an overlay of manipulation from moveit_ros because of moveit_ros waits by default 7s.

Also, for something a bit more dynamic: Work has been done in this area, so maybe something acts funny, you are warned!

  • Run tabletop table detection:
rosrun object_recognition_ros server -c `rospack find reem_object_recognition`/config/tabletop/detection.clusters.ros.ork.reem

rosrun object_recognition_core detection -c `rospack find reem_object_recognition`/config/tabletop/detection.clusters.ros.ork.reem.throtled
  • Grasp closest cluster (to a hardcoded sweet spot):
rosrun moveit_grasping_testing