
A mailer server; use your smtp server to allow your users to send mass emails and provide an HTTP email API



A mailer server for use with your own SMTP server. You install the app, configure it with your SMTP server and can use the API (and other features) to send emails.

Some features

  • A full REST API for sending and searching sent emails
  • Supports attachments to emails
  • Supports email templates and distribution list to send emails to many people
  • History of sent emails
  • Integration with Django through


One common need of your applications is to send transactional email to their users. If you want to use your own SMTP server (instead of a mail sending service) you'll soon find out that sending email through SMTP may take some time (even seconds depending on your SMTP server) and you'll probably want to make it asynchronous after a little while. The problem is that configuring the asynchronous infrastracture needed (celery or rq or whatever) just for this kind of job is not worth it. You shouldn't need to install all these dependencies and moving parts just to be able to send a couple of emails. This project should help you with this. You install this in a server and then use the API to call it when you send the email. The API is asynchronous and will answer very fast (some ms) so you the users won't experience any extra delay.

There are various other goodies like seeing the emails that have been sent, allowing for email templates and distribution lists (for users to create their own lists and send email to these people) and even a django email backend ( which you can configure django with so as to use the mailer server for all emails.

You shouldn't use this project if you use something like mailgun or sendgrid or another similar email provider but if you still send emails through your SMTP server you will find this project invaluable. We're using it in our organization for many years as a centralized email sending service and it's used by more than 10 different applications. Also, if you have a single app then you also don't need this; just configure django-rq for this particular app! This project is helpful if you are an organization that has (or going to have) a handful of different apps that will want to send transactional email.


  • python 3.x
  • virtualenv
  • redis
  • postgresql (recommended - you can use mysql of sqlite if you know the consequences)
  • supervisord (recommended - you can use whatever method you want to run your workers)
  • gunicorn (recommended - you can use any wsgi server you want, i.e uwsgi, apache mod_wsgi etc)
  • nginx (recommended - you can use any web server you want)

Configuring redis

If you want to use my configuration (from etc)

  1. mkdir /home/serafeim/mailer_server/redis/
  2. use provided etc/redis.conf for redis configuration
  3. If you want to use supervisord, you can use provided etc/mailer-server-redis-supervisord.conf

Steps to deploy

  1. Create a database named mailer_server
  2. Create a parent folder for storing app - I used /home/serafeim/mailer_server
  3. cd /home/serafeim/mailer_server
  4. git clone
  5. python3 -m venv venv
  6. mkdir static
  7. cd /home/serafeim/mailer_server/mailer_server
  8. pip install -r requirements/prod.txt
  9. cp mailer_server/settings/ mailer_server/settings/
  10. Edit and configure your settings
  11. echo export >> /home/serafeim/mailer_server/venv/bin/activate
  12. source ../venv/bin/activate
  13. python createsuperuser
  14. ``cp /home/serafeim/mailer_server/mailer_server/etc/mlrsrv.ini /home/serafeim/mailer_server/mlrsrv.ini
  15. sh ./

This will run the app through uwsgi as a daemon, listening on unix socket /tmp/mlrsrv.ini (which can be changed directly from the mlrsrv.ini uwsgi configuration file). Log is at /home/serafeim/mailer_server/uwsgi_mlrsrv.log, pid file at /home/serafeim/mailer_server/

To reload(or stop) use: uwsgi --reload(stop) /home/serafeim/mailer_server/

Configuring workers

You need to run at least one django-rq worker. I recommend using supervisord with my configuration from etc/mailer-server-rqworker-supervisord.conf. After the rqworker is configured please visit http://site_url:8001/admin/django-rq/ - you must have at least 1 worker there.

Using supervisord

Please find the .conf on mailer_server/etc:

  1. mailer-server-redis-supervisord.conf for configuring local redis instance (using a unix socket)
  2. mailer-server-uwsgi-supervisord.conf for running uwsgi through supervisord
  3. mailer-server-rqworker-supervisord.conf for configuring a worker

Please consider that I no longer recommend using supervisord. Nowadays I recommend configuring systemd jobs for your services. Here's an example for the mailer_server.service (gunicorn app server). Create a file named /etc/systemd/system/mlrsrv.service with the following contents:

[Unit] app server

ExecStart=/home/serafeim/mailer_server/venv/bin/gunicorn --workers=4 --bind=unix:/home/serafeim/mailer_server/gunicorn.sock --chdir=/home/serafeim/mailer_server/mailer_server/ mailer_server.wsgi


Then run systemctl daemon-reload to read the new unit, systemctl start mailer_server to start the service and systemctl enable mailer_server to make it run at boot. You should add similar units for the workers and the redis backend.

Running on windows

I use windows as my development environment and I usually feel like the child of a lesser god when trying to run stuff on my dev env. However, this project can be run on windows (for development only)! Now, as a general tip, I propose the following directory structure for a django project on windows: Add a mailer_server parent directory and inside it create a python virtual environment named venv and a mailer_server (cloned from github) that will contain etc.

  • Install redis for windows from here: and run it - it will listen on default port 6379
  • Notice that you can also install redis in a WSL and it will work fine
  • Activate the virtual environment: Run dovenv.bat from inside mailer_server/mailer_server
  • Install this package using pip install git+
  • Run the development server from inside the virtual env through rsp.bat
  • Run the windows rq-worker from inside another virtual env through win_rqworker.bat
  • You may now visit and try adding jobs

Authentication and Authorization

Please configure the project to use the proper authentication method; right now it allows only LDAP (check out for production settings).

To give permissions to your users, you'll need to first create a superuser (using python createsuperuser) and then go to the django-admin and give the Application admin or Application user perms to your users or groups.

Using the API

Send single email

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token CHANGE_WITH_YOUR_TOKEN"      -X POST --data @apicall.txt http://MAILER.SERVER.ADDRESS/mail/api/send_mail/

where, apicall.txt contains the mail data in JSON:

    "subject": "Email subject",
    "body": "body body foo bar baz taz",
    "mail_from": "[email protected]",
    "mail_to": "[email protected]",
    "reply_to": "[email protected]",
    "cc": "[email protected]",
    "bcc": "[email protected]",
    "body_type": "plain"

Send mass email

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token CHANGE_WITH_YOUR_TOKEN" -X POST --data @massapicall.txt http://MAILER.SERVER.ADDRESS/mail/api/send_mass_mail/

where, massapicall.txt contains the mass mail data in JSON:

    "mail_template": 1,
    "distribution_list_to": 1

Send email with attachment

You'll need to post multipart/form-data for this to work. Here's how

curl -v -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "Authorization: Token CHANGE_WITH_YOUR_TOKEN" -X POST -F subject=world -F body="hello world" -F [email protected] -F [email protected] http://MAILER.SERVER.ADDRESS/mail/api/send_mass_mail/


An email address can take two forms. Either

These two forms can be used anywhere (i.e in the mail_from address, mail_to list of addresses etc) but please don't use comma (',') to the Full name of the recipient because it is used as a separator between email addresses.

Templates and distribution lists

The users of this app can create template emails that also contain attachments than you can then send to distribution lists. The distribution lists can either edited by hand or you can import/export CSV files with the name/email pairs of the recipients.