
Syntax free MySQL toolkit... Build sophisticated queries programmatically, no need for tedious string manipulation. Handle's a remote MySQL database connection with a context manager, call almost any SQL query through a single import. Execute large SQL script (100mb+) on remote database, automatic command recognition, separation, and sequential execution.

MIT License



Development toolkit for building applications that interact with a MySQL database.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

PyPi installation

PyPi distribution

pip install mysql-toolkit


MySQL-tookit aims to provide an easy to use MySQL dependency that allows developers to integrate MySQL database's with their Python applications.

The entire MySQL-toolkit module can be utilized through a single import. To initialize a MySQL instance, simply provide a dictionary of MySQL database connection parameters with your call to MySQL within a context manager. Wrap all method and property calls with a context manager in order to automate connecting a disconnecting to a database.

from mysql.toolkit import MySQL

# Database connection parameters
config = {
    "database": "xxxnameofyourdatabasexxx",
    "host": "xxxhosturlxxx",
    "password": "xxxyourpasswordxxx",
    "port": xxxhostportxxx,
    "raise_on_warnings": true,
    "user": "xxxyourusernamexxx"

# Establish a connection and execute queries
with MySQL(config) as sql:
	# Select all rows from 'tablename'
	results = sql.select_all('tablename')
	# Update the row in 'anothertable' where the column 'id' equals 20421
	sql.update('anothertable', ['column1', 'column2'], ['value1', 2], ('id', 20421)
	# Retrieve a dictionary containing table, row_count key/values for every table in the database
	counts = sql.count_rows_all()

# Query will fail and raise an error because the database connection is only maintained inside with context
tables = sql.tables()  # Retrieve all tables in the database

User API

The MySQL class's methods are broken down into several categories and inherited via sub-modules. All methods (with a few exceptions) are inherited to the core MySQL class, exposing compiled methods through a single class.


SQL commands that deal with the manipulation of data present in database.

Class Method Description
Select select_all Query all rows and columns from a table
Select select_distinct Query distinct values from a table
Select select Query every row and only certain columns from a table
Select select_all_join (coming soon) Left join all rows and columns from two tables where a common value is shared
Select select_limit Run a select query with an offset and limit parameter
Select select_where Query certain columns from a table where a particular value is found
Insert insert_uniques Insert multiple rows into a table that do not already exist
Insert insert Insert a single row into a table
Insert insert_many Insert multiple rows into a table
Update update Update the values of a particular row where a value is met
Update update_many Update the values of several rows
Delete delete Delete existing rows from a table


SQL commands that deal with the definitions of data present in database.

Class Method Description
Operations backup_database Create a backup of a database
Operations create_table Generate and execute a create table query by parsing a 2D dataset
Operations execute_script Wrapper method for SQLScript class
Operations script Wrapper method providing access to the SQLScript class's methods and properties
Clone copy_database Copy a database's content and structure
Compare compare_dbs Compare the tables and row counts of two databases
Compare compare_schemas Compare the structures of two databases
Compare compare_data Compare the data stored in two databases
Remove truncate Empty a table by deleting all of its rows
Remove truncate_database Drop all tables in a database
Remove drop Drop a table from a database
Remove drop_empty_tables Drop all empty tables in a database
Remove truncate Empty a table by deleting all of its rows


Properties and methods that return metadata about a MySQL table(s).

Class Method Description
Structure tables Retrieve a list of tables in the connected database
Structure databases Retrieve a list of databases that are accessible under the current connection
Structure get_unique_column Determine if any of the columns in a table contain exclusively unique values
Structure count_rows_duplicates Get the number of rows that do not contain distinct values
Structure count_rows_all Get the number of rows for every table in the database
Structure count_rows Get the number of rows in a particular table
Structure count_rows_all Get the number of rows for every table in the database
Structure count_rows_all_distinct Get the number of distinct rows for every table in the database
Structure count_rows_distinct Get the number distinct of rows in a particular table
Structure get_duplicate_vals Retrieve duplicate values in a column of a table
Alter add_column Add a column to an existing table
Alter drop_column Remove a column to an existing table
Alter add_comment Add a comment to an existing column in a table
PrimaryKey get_primary_key_vals Retrieve a list of primary key values in a table
PrimaryKey get_primary_key Retrieve the column which is the primary key for a table
PrimaryKey set_primary_key Create a Primary Key constraint on a specific column when the table is already created
PrimaryKey set_primary_keys_all Create primary keys for every table in the connected database
PrimaryKey drop_primary_key Drop a Primary Key constraint for a specific table
ForeignKey set_foreign_key Create a Foreign Key constraint on a column from a table
Definition get_table_definition Retrieve a CREATE TABLE statement for an existing table
Definition get_column_definition_all Retrieve the column definition statement for a column from a table
Definition get_column_definition Retrieve the column definition statement for a column from a table
Schema show_schema Print schema information
Schema get_columns Retrieve a list of columns in a table
Schema get_schema_dict Retrieve the database schema in key, value pairs for easier references and comparisons
Schema get_schema Retrieve the database schema for a particular table

Built With

  • differentiate - Compare multiple data sets and retrieve the unique, non-repeated elements.
  • mysql-connector - Self-container driver for communication with MySQL servers
  • looptools - Logging output, timing processes and counting iterations
  • sqlparse - A non-validating SQL parser module for Python
  • tqdm - A fast, extensible progress bar for Python


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details