
gpu powered brute force knn ground truth dataset generator



NeighborhoodWatch (nw) is a GPU powered brute force knn ground truth dataset generator

Set Up the Environment

At high level, in order to run this program, the following prerqusites need to be satsified:

  • One computing instance with Nividia GPU (e.g. AWS p3.8xlarge instance type)
  • Nivdia CUDA toolkit and driver 12 installed (link)
  • Nividia cuDNN library installed (link)
  • Nividia NCCL library installed (link)
  • Python version 3.10
    • A python virtual environemtn (e.g. MiniConda) is highly recommended
  • Poetry Python dependency management

An example of setting up a bare-metal environment on an AWS p3.8xlarge instance with Ubuntun 22.04 OS is provided in the following script:

For convenience purposes, a Dockerfile is also provided which allows you to build a docker image allows you to run the nw program within a docker container with all the required driver and library dependencies. For more detailed information, please refer to the nw_docker document

Run the Program

First check and install Python dependencies by running the following commands in the home directory of this program:

poetry lock && poetry install

Then run the program with poetry run nw <input parameter list> command. The available input parameter list is as below:

$ poetry run nw -h
usage: nw [-h] [-m MODEL_NAME] [-rd REDUCED_DIMENSION_SIZE] [-k K] [--data_dir DATA_DIR] [--use-dataset-api | --no-use-dataset-api] [--gen-hdf5 | --no-gen-hdf5]
          [--post-validation | --no-post-validation] [--enable-memory-tuning] [--disable-memory-tuning]
          query_count base_count

nw (neighborhood watch) uses GPU acceleration to generate ground truth KNN datasets

positional arguments:
  query_count           number of query vectors to generate
  base_count            number of base vectors to generate

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODEL_NAME, --model_name MODEL_NAME
                        model name to use for generating embeddings, i.e. text-embedding-ada-002, textembedding-gecko, or intfloat/e5-large-v2
                        Reduced (output) dimension size. Only supported in models (e.g. OpenAI text-embedding-3-xxx) that have this feature. Ignored otherwise!
  -k K, --k K           number of neighbors to compute per query vector
  --data_dir DATA_DIR   Directory to store the generated data (default: knn_dataset)
  --use-dataset-api, --no-use-dataset-api
                        Use 'pyarrow.dataset' API to read the dataset (default: True). Recommended for large datasets. (default: False)
  --gen-hdf5, --no-gen-hdf5
                        Generate hdf5 files (default: True) (default: True)
  --post-validation, --no-post-validation
                        Validate the generated files (default: False) (default: False)
                        Enable memory tuning
                        Disable memory tuning (useful for very small datasets)

Some example commands:

    nw 1000 10000 -k 100 -m 'textembedding-gecko' --disable-memory-tuning
    nw 1000 10000 -k 100 -m 'intfloat/e5-large-v2' --disable-memory-tuning
    nw 1000 10000 -k 100 -m 'intfloat/e5-small-v2' --disable-memory-tuning
    nw 1000 10000 -k 100 -m 'intfloat/e5-base-v2' --disable-memory-tuning

Generated Datasets

After the program is successfully run, it will generate a set of data sets under a spcified folder which is default to knn_dataset subfolder. You can override the output directory using the --data_dir <dir_name> option.

In particular, the following datasets include the KNN ground truth results:

file format dataset name dataset file
fvec train dataset (base) <model_name>_<base_count>_base_vectors
fvec test dataset (query) <model_name>_<base_count>_query_vectors_<query_count>
fvec distances dataset (distances) <model_name>_<base_count>_distances_<query_count>
ivec neighors dataset (indices) <model_name>_<base_count>_indices_query_<query_count>
hdf5 consolidated hdf5 dataset of the above 4 datasets <model_name>_base_<base_count>_query_<query_count>

Run the Tests

poetry run pytest

