
A python library to produce a customizable Neovim/Vim prompt.

MIT License



A customizable command-line prompt module for Neovim/Vim. This repository is assumed to used as a submodule/subtree package.


Assume you are 'PETER' and you are making 'my-awesome-vim-plugin'.

git submodule

If you won't touch the code in neovim-prompt, this is a best way to use neovim-prompt in your plugin.

git clone
cd my-awesome-vim-plugin
git submodule add rplugin/python3/my_awesome_vim_plugin/prompt

git subtree

It is complicated so if you are not really familiar with git subtree, you should use git submodule instead.

First of all, fork to GitHub. Then clone your neovim-prompt to the same parent directory to the your plugin like

git clone
git clone

Then, add cloned local repository as a remote repository of 'my-awesome-vim-plugin' like

cd my-awesome-vim-plugin
git remote add neovim-prompt ../neovim-prompt

Then perform the following. Note that following is used for update neovim-prompt to the latest as well.

git fetch neovim-prompt
git subtree pull --prefix=rplugin/python3/my_awesome_vim_plugin/prompt neovim-prompt master --squash

When you change the neovim-prompt code and you think it's valuable for other peoples, make a PR with

git fetch neovim-prompt
git subtree push --prefix=rplugin/python3/my_awesome_vim_plugin/prompt neovim-prompt some-awesome-implementation --squash
cd ../neovim-prompt
git checkout some-awesome-implementation
git push -u origin

Then send me a PR. I'll check the implementations and concepts. Please try to make clear commits before sending me a PR.

Python code

If you followed the above, you can use neovim-prompt as like the following.

from .prompt.prompt import (

# ...

    prompt = Prompt()
    status = prompt.start()
    if status == STATUS_ACCEPT:
        result = prompt.text
        # Do what ever you want
    elif status == STATUS_CANCEL:
        # User hit <Esc> (or whatever which is mapped to <prompt:cancel>)
    elif status == STATUS_INTERRUPT:
        # User hit <C-c> to interrupt

# ...

See API document or real world examples for more detail.


While neovim-prompt is assumed to be used as a git submodule/subtree, the 'master' branch does not contain any code for testing but 'ci-test' branch.

First of all, clone 'ci-test' branch of neovim-prompt in neovim-prompt repository as

git clone
cd neovim-prompt
git clone --branch ci-test ci-test

Then cd to 'ci-test' and run scripts/ to perform tests.

cd ci-test

If you implement features, do not forget to add tests in ci-test branch.

Builtin actions

neovim-prompt provides the following builtin actions.

Name Description
<prompt:accept> Accept the input and return STATUS_ACCEPT.
<prompt:cancel> Cancel the input and return STATUS_CANCEL.
<prompt:toggle_insert_mode> Toggle insert mode (insert/overstrike)
<prompt:delete_char_before_caret> Delete a character before the caret
<prompt:delete_word_before_caret> Delete a word before the caret (respect iskeyword in Vim)
<prompt:delete_char_after_caret> Delete a character after the caret
<prompt:delete_word_after_caret> Delete a word after the caret (respect iskeyword in Vim)
<prompt:delete_char_under_caret> Delete a character under the caret
<prompt:delete_word_under_caret> Delete a word under the caret (respect iskeyword in Vim)
<prompt:delete_text_before_caret> Delete test before the caret
<prompt:delete_text_after_caret> Delete test after the caret
<prompt:delete_entire_text> Delete entire text
<prompt:move_caret_to_left> Move the caret to one character left
<prompt:move_caret_to_one_word_left> Move the caret to one word left
<prompt:move_caret_to_left_anchor> Move the caret like F in Vim's normal mode
<prompt:move_caret_to_right> Move the caret to one character right
<prompt:move_caret_to_one_word_right> Move the caret to one word right
<prompt:move_caret_to_right_anchor> Move the caret like f in Vim's normal mode
<prompt:move_caret_to_head> Move the caret to the head
<prompt:move_caret_to_lead> Move the caret to the start of the printable character
<prompt:move_caret_to_tail> Move the caret to the tail
<prompt:assign_previous_text> Recall previous command-line from history
<prompt:assign_next_text> Recall next command-line from history
<prompt:assign_previous_matched_text> Recall previous command-line from history that matches pattern in front of the caret
<prompt:assign_next_matched_text> Recall next command-line from history that matches pattern in front of the caret
<prompt:paste_from_register> Paste text from a specified register
<prompt:paste_from_default_register> Paste text from v:register
<prompt:yank_to_register> Copy text to a specified register
<prompt:yank_to_default_register> Copy text to v:register
<prompt:insert_special> Specify and insert a special character (e.g. ^V, ^M)
<prompt:insert_digraph> Specify and insert a digraph character (See :help digraph)

The above actions are defined in

Default mappings

The default mapping is determined from a Vim's native command-line (:help ex-edit-index.)

Key Action Params
<C-B> <prompt:move_caret_to_head> noremap
<C-E> <prompt:move_caret_to_tail> noremap
<BS> <prompt:delete_char_before_caret> noremap
<C-H> <prompt:delete_char_before_caret> noremap
<S-TAB> <prompt:assign_previous_text> noremap
<C-J> <prompt:accept> noremap
<C-K> <prompt:insert_digraph> noremap
<CR> <prompt:accept> noremap
<C-M> <prompt:accept> noremap
<C-N> <prompt:assign_next_text> noremap
<C-P> <prompt:assign_previous_text> noremap
<C-Q> <prompt:insert_special> noremap
<C-R> <prompt:paste_from_register> noremap
<C-U> <prompt:delete_entire_text> noremap
<C-V> <prompt:insert_special> noremap
<C-W> <prompt:delete_word_before_caret> noremap
<ESC> <prompt:cancel> noremap
<DEL> <prompt:delete_char_under_caret> noremap
<Left> <prompt:move_caret_to_left> noremap
<S-Left> <prompt:move_caret_to_one_word_left> noremap
<C-Left> <prompt:move_caret_to_one_word_left> noremap
<Right> <prompt:move_caret_to_right> noremap
<S-Right> <prompt:move_caret_to_one_word_right> noremap
<C-Right> <prompt:move_caret_to_one_word_right> noremap
<Up> <prompt:assign_previous_matched_text> noremap
<S-Up> <prompt:assign_previous_text> noremap
<Down> <prompt:assign_next_matched_text> noremap
<S-Down> <prompt:assign_next_text> noremap
<Home> <prompt:move_caret_to_head> noremap
<End> <prompt:move_caret_to_tail> noremap
<PageDown> <prompt:assign_next_text> noremap
<PageUp> <prompt:assign_previous_text> noremap
<INSERT> <prompt:toggle_insert_mode> noremap

The above actions are defined in

Plugins which use neovim-prompt