
Neovim/Vim buffer filtering plugin

MIT License




lista is a plugin to filter content lines and jump to where you want.


Install it with your favorite plugin manager.

Plug 'lambdalisue/lista.nvim'

Install lambdalisue/vim-rplugin as well if you want to make it available on Vim 8.0.


Execute :Lista or :ListaCursorWord and use the following builtin mappings

Key Description
<CR> Accept the input and jump to the selected line
<C-J> Accept the input and jump to the selected line
<C-M> Accept the input and jump to the selected line
<Esc> Cancel the input and return to the original line
<C-[> Cancel the input and return to the original line
<BS> Delete a character before the cursor
<C-H> Delete a character before the cursor
<C-W> Delete a word before the cursor
<Del> Delete a character under the cursor
<Left> Move a cursor left
<S-Left> Move a cursor one word left
<C-Left> Move a cursor one word left
<Right> Move a cursor right
<S-Right> Move a cursor one word left
<C-Right> Move a cursor one word left
<Home> Move a cursor to the head
<End> Move a cursor to the tail
<Up> Recall previous command-line from history that matches pattern in front of the cursor
<Down> Recall next command-line from history that matches pattern in front of the cursor
<S-Up> Recall previous command-line from history
<S-Down> Recall next command-line from history
<C-P> Recall previous command-line from history
<C-N> Recall next command-line from history
<PageUp> Select a previous line of the buffer
<PageDown> Select a next line of the buffer
<S-Tab> Select a previous line of the buffer
<Tab> Select a next line of the buffer
<C-T> Select a previous line of the buffer
<C-G> Select a next line of the buffer
<C-R> Insert the contents of a register or object under the cursor as if typed
<C-V> Start to input a control character
<C-K> Start to input a digraph
<Insert> Toggle insert/replace mode
<C-^> Switch a current matcher
<C-6> Switch a current matcher
<C-_> Switch ignorecase
<C--> Switch ignorecase

I personally assign the command to # and g# like:

nnoremap # :<C-u>Lista<CR>
nnoremap g# :<C-u>ListaCursorWord<CR>

If you prefer to use <C-n>/<C-p> to select candidate, use

let g:lista#custom_mappings = [
      \ ['<C-f>', '<Left>'],
      \ ['<C-b>', '<Right>'],
      \ ['<C-a>', '<Home>'],
      \ ['<C-e>', '<End>'],
      \ ['<C-d>', '<Del>'],
      \ ['<C-P>', '<lista:select_previous_candidate>', 'noremap'],
      \ ['<C-N>', '<lista:select_next_candidate>', 'noremap'],
      \ [';', 'pinkyless#stickyshift#enter(";")', 'expr noremap'],

See also

This plugin has partially forked from or inspired by the following plugins.