
GPL-2.0 License


Setup and usage

Dependencies are managed with pipenv. To install them, run pipenv install. To run things within this environment, use pipenv run followed by the command to run, or pipenv shell to enter a shell inside this environment

The first time you use the script, you may also want to initialize a fresh database, which can be done by running the script and using the --createdb flag

Unit tests

unit tests can be run with pipenv run python3 -m unittest

Database versioning

This project uses alembic to keep track of schema changes to the database and allow for easy migration.

Applying DB Upgrades

running pipenv run alembic upgrade head will upgrade your database to the latest version

Creating DB Upgrades

The command for generating a database revision (i.e. if you change the schema) is pipenv run alembic revision --autogenerate -m "<message>". a file will be generated in the migrations/versions folder that will need review and some cleanup as there are some things it cannot detect