
A fork of

AGPL-3.0 License


Blog aggregation, static-website style!

.. image:: :target:

This is a plugin for the Pelican_ static site generator.

It allows generating a page aggregating blog articles from other web sites.

.. _Pelican:


Install this plugin::

$ pip install git+

Then, in your Pelican config file, enable the plugin::


Next, declare the feeds you want to aggregate in your Pelican config file::

    'Some amazing blog': '',
    'Another great blog': '',

Write a Jinja2_ template for your aggregation page. For example, if the rest of your website is generated from Markdown pages, then create a file with the following contents::

Some blogs aggregated here.

{% for article in articles %}
# {{ article.title }}

{% endfor %}

Finally, declare the template and destination page in your Pelican config file::

PLANET_PAGE = 'content/'

Then rebuild your website as usual using the pelican command line, and you should have your blog aggregation page.

You'll probably want to rebuild your website periodically though, maybe with a systemd timer or a cron job, to always fetch the latest articles in the feeds you aggregate.

.. _Jinja2:

Template design

The template for your aggregation page will be passed an articles variable, containing the list of articles aggregated.

Each item of this list will have the following attributes:

  • title: The title of the article;
  • updated: The date at which the article was last updated, as a
    timezone-aware datetime object;
  • author: The author of the article;
  • link: The URL to the article on its original website;
  • summary: The summary text of the article;
  • feed_name: The name of the feed from which the article originated, as
    defined in the Pelican config file;

Optional configuration

You can have more control on the generated page, by setting a few more options in your Pelican config file:

  • PLANET_MAX_ARTICLES: The maximum number of articles to show on the page.

    By default, all articles from all feeds will be added to the page.

  • PLANET_MAX_ARTICLES_PER_FEED: The maximum of articles from a single feed ending on the page.

    By default all articles of a given feed are considered.

  • PLANET_MAX_SUMMARY_LENGTH: The maximum number of words kept from the summary.

    By default the summary of the article will be the full text coming from the feed.


pelican-planet is offered under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, either version 3 or any later version_.

We will never ask you to sign a copyright assignment or any other kind of silly and tedious legal document before accepting your contributions.

In case you're wondering, we do not consider that a website built with pelican-planet would need to be licensed under the AGPL.

.. _GNU Affero General Public License, either version 3 or any later version: