
personal repo bootstrap

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



This is my personal python repository bootstrap.

Feel free to use it as a launching point for your next project!

For simplified/minimal starter package see the simple branch

How to use it

1. Create a new repo

I recommend using cruft instead of cookiecutter (this will let you update it easily later)

pip install cruft
cruft create

or you can use cookiecutter as usual:

pip install cookiecutter

2. Run git init and install pre-commit

After creating the repo, you'll want to initialize a git repo.

This is important: you won't be able to run pip install -e . without running git init

cd <your-package-name>
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'build: Initial Commit'

Optionally, install pre-commit:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit autoupdate
pre-commit install
git add .
git commit -m 'chore: update pre-commit'

3. Install Locally and Run Tests

To run tests locally, you'll need to install the package in editable mode.

I like to first create a new environment dedicated to my package:

mamba create -n <your-package-name> python
mamba activate <your-package-name>

Then install the package in editable mode:

pip install -e .[test]

if you run into problems here, make sure that you ran git init above!

Finally, run the tests:


4. Upload to GitHub

If you have the GitHub CLI installed, and would like to create a GitHub repository for your new package:

gh repo create --source=. --public --remote=origin --push

alternatively, you can follow github's guide for adding a local repository to github

Next Steps

  • If you'd like: setup the service to
    run all pre-commit checks on every PR (in case contributors aren't running it
    locally). Note that you can always run checks locally with pre-commit run -a
  • Follow links below for more info on the included tools (pay particular
    attention to hatch and
  • See how to Deploy to PyPI below.

Stuff included

  • PEP 517 build system with hatch
  • PEP 621 metadata in pyproject.toml
    • all additional configurables are also in pyproject.toml, with
      links to documentation
  • uses src layout (How come?)
  • git tag-based versioning with hatch-vcs
  • autodeploy to PyPI on tagged commit (set TWINE_API_KEY env var on github). See Deploying to PyPI below.
  • Testing with pytest
  • CI & testing with github actions
  • GitHub action
    running tests against dependency pre-releases (using --pre to install
  • pre-commit with
    • ruff - amazing linter and
      formatter. Takes the place of flake8, autoflake, isort, pyupgrade,
      and more...
    • black - opinionated code formatter
    • mypy - static type hint checker (defaults
      to strict mode)
    • conventional-pre-commit - enforce good commit messages (this is commented out by default). See Conventional Commits below.
  • check-manifest test to check
    completeness of files in your release.
  • I use and include github-changelog-generator to automate changelog generation... but there are probably better options now (this is a hot topic).

Deploying to PyPI

When I'm ready to deploy a version, I tag the commit with a version number and push it to github. This will trigger a github action that will build and deploy to PyPI. (see the "deploy" step in workflows/ci.yml). The version number is determined by the git tag using hatch-vcs... which wraps setuptools-scm

To auto-deploy to PyPI, you'll need to set a TWINE_API_KEY environment variable in your github repo settings. You can get this key from your pypi account. Then add it to your github repository settings as a secret named TWINE_API_KEY. (see github docs)

(the name TWINE_API_KEY is specified in workflows/ci.yml)

git tag -a v0.1.0 -m v0.1.0
git push --follow-tags

# or, specify a remote:
# git push upstream --follow-tags

if you're curious, see also some thoughts on semantic releases below

Conventional Commits

Conventional Commits is a specification for adding human and machine readable meaning to commit messages. Using it faithfully will allow you to automate a lot of things (changelogs, versioning, ...) at release time. To use it here:

  • Use the conventional-pre-commit step in pre-commit. It will force you to use conventional commits locally.

  • [VS Code]: Add the Conventional Commits extension, making it easier to create conventional commits.

  • This still doesn't protect GitHub PR commits, so add the Semantic PRs GitHub App to check that PR titles follow the Convention Commits Spec (and require squash commits)

  • Protect the main branch:

    • use only PRs for main
    • use squash merge
    • require the Semantic PRs check to pass for merging
    • consider allowing only semantic-release to push to that branch.
  • Future: use frappucino or griffe to detect breaking API changes & add a GitHub action to enforce a ! in the title or BREAKING CHANGE footer.

Semantic Versioning & Release

I'm still not sure how I feel about SemVer. Seems better than nothing, but also totally broken. I highly recommend these articles for insight:

One of the biggest problems with SemVer is humans implementing it (see ZeroVer 😂). One approach is to use fully-automated version & release management to take the human out of it. semantic-release is popular in the javascript world, and a python-semantic-release variant exists. If you want to try it, this repo configures that in pyproject.toml:

Update your repo (if you used cruft)

This template may change over time, bringing in new improvements, fixes, and updates. To update an existing project that was created from this template using cruft, run cruft update in the root of the project. See cruft docs for details.


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