
Python bindings to BLS

MIT License


Box Least Squares

These are Python bindings for the original Fortran implementation of Box Least Squares (BLS) algorithm from Kovács et al. (2002) <>_.


Clone the source code from the GitHub repository <>_ and install using the standard python tools:

.. code-block:: bash

git clone
cd python-bls
python install

For testing in development, you can use

.. code-block:: bash

python build_ext --inplace

to build the bindings directly in the bls directory.


These Python bindings were developed—building directly on the code released by Kovács <>—at the SAMSI <> workshop Modern Statistical and Computational Methods for Analysis of Kepler <>_ by

  • Ruth Angus (Oxford) <>_
  • Dan Foreman-Mackey (NYU) <>_


The Python bindings are licensed under the MIT License <>_.

Basic Usage

TODO: describe Pythonic binding.

Advanced Usage

You can get direct access to the Fortran subroutine provided by Kovács <>_ through the eebls() function:

.. code-block:: python

import bls
results = bls.eebls(time, flux, u, v, nf, fmin, df, nb, qmi, qma)


  • time is an N-dimensional array of timestamps for the light curve,
  • flux is the N-dimensional light curve array,
  • u and v are N-dimensional empty work arrays,
  • nf is the number of frequency bins to test,
  • fmin is the minimum frequency to test,
  • df is the frequency grid spacing,
  • nb is the number of bins to use in the folded light curve,
  • qmi is the minimum transit duration to test, and
  • qma is the maximum transit duration to test.

The returned values are

.. code-block:: python

power, best_period, best_power, depth, q, in1, in2 = results


  • power is the nf-dimensional power spectrum array at frequencies f = fmin + arange(nf) * df,
  • best_period is the best-fit period in the same units as time,
  • best_power is the power at best_period,
  • depth is the depth of the transit at best_period,
  • q is the fractional transit duration,
  • in1 is the bin index at the start of transit, and
  • in2 is the bin index at the end of transit.