
A Python package for programming with Dynamsoft Service, supporting scanning documents from TWAIN, WIA, ICA, SANE and eSCL scanners.

MIT License


Python Document Scanner for TWAIN, WIA, SANE, ICA, and eSCL

The package provides methods for calling Dynamsoft Service REST APIs. This allows developers to build Python applications for digitizing documents from TWAIN (32-bit/64-bit), WIA, SANE, ICA and eSCL scanners.


  1. Install Dynamsoft Service.

  2. Request a free trial license.

Dynamsoft Service REST API

By default, the REST API's host address is set to

Method Endpoint Description Parameters Response
GET /DWTAPI/Scanners Get a list of scanners None 200 OK with scanner list
POST /DWTAPI/ScanJobs Creates a scan job license, device, config 201 Created with job ID
GET /DWTAPI/ScanJobs/:id/NextDocument Retrieves a document image id: Job ID 200 OK with image stream
DELETE /DWTAPI/ScanJobs/:id Deletes a scan job id: Job ID 200 OK

You can navigate to to access the service. To make it accessible from desktop, mobile, and web applications on the same network, you can change the host address to a LAN IP address. For example, you might use

The scanner parameter configuration is based on Dynamsoft Web TWAIN documentation.

Quick Start

Replace the license key in the code below with a valid one and run the code.

from dynamsoftservice import ScannerController, ScannerType

scannerController = ScannerController()
devices = []
host = ""
license_key = "LICENSE-KEY"

questions = """
Please select an operation:
1. Get scanners
2. Acquire documents by scanner index
3. Quit

def ask_question():
    while True:
        answer = input(questions)

        if answer == '3':
        elif answer == '1':
            scanners = scannerController.getDevices(
                host, ScannerType.TWAINSCANNER | ScannerType.TWAINX64SCANNER)
            for i, scanner in enumerate(scanners):
                print(f"\nIndex: {i}, Name: {scanner['name']}")
        elif answer == '2':
            if len(devices) == 0:
                print("Please get scanners first!\n")

            index = input(f"\nSelect an index (<= {len(devices) - 1}): ")
            index = int(index)  

            if index < 0 or index >= len(devices):
                print("It is out of range.")

            parameters = {
                "license": license_key,
                "device": devices[index]["device"],

            parameters["config"] = {
                "IfShowUI": False,
                "PixelType": 2,
                "Resolution": 200,
                "IfFeederEnabled": False,
                "IfDuplexEnabled": False,

            job_id = scannerController.scanDocument(host, parameters)

            if job_id != "":
                images = scannerController.getImageFiles(host, job_id, "./")
                for i, image in enumerate(images):
                    print(f"Image {i}: {image}")

                scannerController.deleteJob(host, job_id)

if __name__ == "__main__":


DynamsoftService API

The DynamsoftService class provides methods to interact with the Dynamsoft service.

  • getDevices(self, host: str, scannerType: int = None) -> List[Any]: Get a list of available devices.
  • scanDocument(self, host: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: Scan a document.
  • deleteJob(self, host: str, jobId: str) -> None: Delete a job.
  • getImageFile(self, host, job_id, directory): Get an image file.
  • getImageFiles(self, host: str, jobId: str, directory: str) -> List[str]: Get a list of image files.
  • getImageStreams(self, host: str, jobId: str) -> List[bytes]: Get a list of image streams.

How to Build the Package

  • Source distribution:

    python sdist
  • Wheel:

    pip wheel . --verbose
    # Or
    python bdist_wheel
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