
🦉 📤 Email reply body generator for HTML and text

GPL-3.0 License


replyowl: Email reply body generator for HTML and text in Python

replyowl creates email bodies with quoted messages. Provide the original message and your reply message, and replyowl will combine them into a new message. The returned content can be used as the text and/or HTML body content of a new email. HTML-to-text conversion is performed with html2text.


replyowl is available on PyPI:

pip install replyowl


from replyowl import ReplyOwl

owl = ReplyOwl()
text, html = owl.compose_reply(
    content="<i>New</i> reply <b>content</b>",
    quote_attribution="You wrote:",
    quote_text="Original message text",
    quote_html="<b>Original</b> message text",

# _New_ reply **content**
# ----
# You wrote:
# > Original message text

print(html)  # (output formatted for readability)
# <!DOCTYPE html>
# <html>
#   <head>
#     <title></title>
#   </head>
#   <body>
#     <i>New</i> reply <b>content</b>
#     <div>You wrote:<br />
#     </div>
#     <blockquote style="margin-left: 0.8ex; padding-left: 2ex;
#                        border-left: 2px solid #aaa; border-radius: 8px;" type="cite">
#       <b>Original</b> message text
#     </blockquote>
#   </body>
# </html>

Links in HTML are preserved when creating plain text email bodies:

from replyowl import ReplyOwl

owl = ReplyOwl()
text, html = owl.compose_reply(
        'Check <a href="">this</a> out<br />'
        'Or this: <a href=""></a>'
    quote_attribution="You wrote:",
    quote_text="Send me a URL",
    quote_html="Send me a <i>URL</i>",

# Check this ( out
# Or this:
# ----
# You wrote:
# > Send me a URL

If the quoted HTML content contains a <body> tag, that is preserved:

from replyowl import ReplyOwl

owl = ReplyOwl()
text, html = owl.compose_reply(
    content="Hello there",
    quote_attribution="You wrote:",
    quote_html='<html><body class="sender_body"><b>Hi</b></body></html>',

print(html)  # (output formatted for readability)
# <html>
#   <body class="sender_body">
#     Hello there
#     <div>
#     You wrote:<br/>
#     </div>
#     <blockquote style="margin-left: 0.8ex; padding-left: 2ex;
#                        border-left: 2px solid #aaa; border-radius: 8px;" type="cite">
#       <b>Hi</b>
#     </blockquote>
#   </body>
# </html>

A custom value can be provided for the <blockquote>'s style tag:

from replyowl import ReplyOwl

owl = ReplyOwl(blockquote_style="font-weight: bold;")
text, html = owl.compose_reply(
    text, html = owl.compose_reply(
        content="Your quote is in bold",
        quote_attribution="You wrote:",
        quote_text="I'm going to be in bold when you reply",
        quote_html="I'm going to be in bold when you reply",

print(html)  # (output formatted for readability)
# <html>
#   <body class="sender_body">
#     Your quote is in bold
#     <div>
#     You wrote:<br/>
#     </div>
#     <blockquote style="font-weight: bold;" type="cite"
#       I'm going to be in bold when you reply
#     </blockquote>
#   </body>
# </html>


Poetry installation

Via pipx:

pip install pipx
pipx install poetry
pipx inject poetry poetry-dynamic-versioning poetry-pre-commit-plugin

Via pip:

pip install poetry
poetry self add poetry-dynamic-versioning poetry-pre-commit-plugin

Development tasks

  • Setup: poetry install
  • Run static checks: poetry run poe lint or
    poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
  • Run static checks and tests: poetry run poe test

Created from smkent/cookie-python using cookiecutter