A Python library emulating resumable.js, providing simultaneous, fault taulerant uploads of files of any size to a compatible server.

MIT License


.. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: provides chunked uploading of files to a compatible server, emulating the popular resumable.js_ JavaScript library.

Installation can be installed from PyPI with pip:

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install resumable


Construct a Resumable object with the URL of the upload target server, and use add_file() to queue files for upload. It's recommended to use it as a context manager:

.. code-block:: python

from resumable import Resumable

with Resumable('') as session:

You can queue mutiple files for upload in a single session, and the with block will not complete until the upload is finished (or an exception is raised).

It's also possible to use a Resumable session without a with block, and manually join() the session:

.. code-block:: python

session = Resumable('')

Backend +++++++ handles most of the logic needed for resumable file uploads on the client side, but the files still need to be reassembled from chunks on the server side, as in resumable.js_. For details on how to set up a compatible backend, please see the resumable.js_ documentation or the backend samples on GitHub <>_.

Configuration +++++++++++++ supports a subset of the options provided by resumable.js_:

  • target The target URL for the multipart POST request (required)
  • chunk_size The size in bytes of each uploaded chunk of data (default:
  • simultaneous_uploads Number of simultaneous uploads (default: 3)
  • headers Extra headers to include in the multipart POST with data
    (default: {})
  • test_chunks Make a GET request to the server for each chunks to see if it
    already exists. If implemented on the server-side, this will allow for upload
    resumes even after a browser crash or even a computer restart. (default:

Some additional low level options are available - these are documented in the docstring of the Resumable class.

Callbacks and Progress Reporting ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ provides the ability to register arbitrary functions as callbacks in response to certain events. These are:

On the Resumable object:

  • file_added Triggered when a file is added, with the file object
  • file_completed Triggered when a file is completed, with the file object
  • chunk_completed Triggered when a chunk is completed, with the file and
    chunk objects

On a ResumableFile (returned by Resumable.add_file()):

  • completed Triggered when the file is completed, without arguments
  • chunk_completed Triggered when a chunk is completed, with the chunk

Each of these callback dispatchers has a register() method that you can use to register callbacks. For example, to print a simple progress message that updates as chunks are uploaded:

.. code-block:: python

with Resumable('') as session:
    file = session.add_file('my_file.dat')

    def print_progress(chunk):
        template = '\rPercent complete: {:.1%}'
        print(template.format(file.fraction_completed), end='')


print()  # new line

Contribute's design is informed by resumable.js_, however only a core subset of features have yet been implemented. Patches implementing resumable.js features are welcome, and contributors should attempt to retain consistency with the resumable.js interface, mapping JavaScript style and idioms to Python equivalents as appropriate (for example, the simultaneousUploads configuration parameter becomes simultaneous_uploads in Python).

.. _resumable.js: