

Bitcoin Core Authenticated RPC Proxy

Purpose: share a synced full node among students learning bitcoind capabilities and bitcoin-cli RPC usage, without requiring students to sync the node themselves.


  1. clone repo
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt


There is a bitcoin.conf included in this repo with RPC ports and password which the local proxy will connect to. The proxy's external ports match the default for Bitcoin Core networks, making it simpler to access remotely with bitcoin-cli.

Networks supported: main, testnet, signet, regtest

  • Start Bitcoin Core: bitcoind -conf=/path/to/repo/rpc-auth-proxy/etc/bitcoin.conf
    • Optionally add -signet, etc for different network
  • Start proxy server: python src/server.py main
    • Optionally replace main with signet, etc.

Adding Users

There is an included utility for adding users. Hashed passwords are saved by default in a JSON file at ~/.rpc-auth-proxy-passwords.json. Provide a password with -p or the script will generate one for you:

~/rpc-auth-proxy$ python src/users.py newuser1
Password for newuser1: lYDk7mbTiN60
~/rpc-auth-proxy$ python src/users.py newuser2 -p hunter2
Password for newuser2: hunter2

Remote Access

Users must have bitcoin-cli installed locally but they do not need to run their own node. They provide their unique credentials with each RPC as well as the IP address (or hostname) of the server.


$ bitcoin-cli -rpcconnect= -rpcuser=newuser1 -rpcpassword=lYDk7mbTiN60 getblockcount

Security Precautions

This is NOT a secure system and should be used for educational purposes only.

  • SSL is not supported so rpcpassword is sent over the internet unencrypted
  • Users are welcome to create wallets but keep in mind other users can access them
    • Wallets can be encrypted with a second wallet password, but even then security is poor
  • Certain RPC methods are like invalidateblock and stop are disallowed to prevent users from disrupting the service
    • Users may still be able to disrupt service with "safe" commands like scantxoutset