

RISC-V Playground

Currently this repository has a really bare-bones example of instantiating the Minerva RISC-V soft-core CPU on an ECP5 FPGA and running a very simple Rust firmware on it.

The interesting files are:

  • main.rs: the Rust firmware
  • rv.py: the Amaranth gateware description

The Rust firmware must be built first:

cd fw
cargo objcopy --release -- -O binary fw.bin
cd ..

Use poetry to manage a virtualenv and dependencies:

pip3 install --user poetry
poetry install

(or, manually install amaranth and minerva into your system Python).

Then you can simulate the CPU's operation:

poetry run python rv.py sim

Use gtkwave to view the rv.vcd file and check out the various signals, such as the program counter, the memory read address, or the value of the GPO (general-purpose output) register that the Rust firmware updates.

You might want to change the delay length in the Rust firmware from 1_000_000 to some smaller number (say, 10) when simulating.

Finally to build for actual hardware and program:

poetry run python rv.py build
ecpdap program build/rv.bit --freq 20000

For your own hardware you'll probably need to change pins in the Platform class at the top of rv.py to match your own hardware, and you may need to use another tool to program the FPGA (ecpdap is a Rust tool which uses any CMSIS-DAP debug probe via JTAG to program ECP5 directly or to program attached SPI flash memory).