Spatial Design Network Analysis from sDNA, in Grasshopper and Rhino3D

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No intentional breaking changes have been made, but a major refactor has been carried out to the packaging process, and the components ('old' GHPython ones) are now being built in Rhino 8.

  • Automated API tests
  • Experimental installation using pip
  • Allows for future installation in Rhino 8 CPython 3 components (currently not possible)
  • Available on PyPi
sDNA_GH - Experimental support for Rhino 8

Published by JamesParrott 7 months ago

Not fully tested, but works around a major bug in Rhino 8, and runs sDNA_Integral.

sDNA_GH - Support user-added advanced options together with juncformula and linkformula

Published by JamesParrott 10 months ago

Launcher components are the same as v2.9.1's, and will show that version inside their code.

sDNA_GH - Fixes bug from refactor.

Published by JamesParrott 10 months ago

Fixes v2.9.0, in which juncformula and lineformula inputs are now automatically added to sDNA tool components that can use them (all of them except Prepare, Learn and Predict). If either is set to a non-empty string, an advanced config string is formed, regardless of the value of make_advanced.

sDNA_GH - v2.8.0 Fisher jenks and geometric classifiers

Published by JamesParrott 10 months ago

sDNA_GH - v2.7.2-rc Support copy and pasting sDNA components.

Published by JamesParrott 11 months ago

Runs some setup code on the component, even if the tool for that component is cached.

When the old problematic shared global options state was being used this, wasn't necessary. But with the functional option (sync=false) it's a bug. This rc could be a great UX improvement.

sDNA_GH - Search for fields by prefix (and suggest prefixes).

Published by JamesParrott 12 months ago

The best practise is still to specify the exact field to be visualised.

However, the default for "field" is now None, not 'BtEn', so there's a small possibility of a breaking change for those relying on this, who also specified a numerical radius. As now field = None causes a search based on field_prefix = 'Bt', the search could pick up BtE500 before BtEn for example.

This is an edge case to let a new convenience helper work, not a major API change, so I have only bumped a minor version number.

sDNA_GH - Mid points and class bounds from Parser

Published by JamesParrott 12 months ago

More data about the legend provided.

sDNA_GH - Long Wave Radio, Atlantic...

Published by JamesParrott over 1 year ago

Unicode characters can now be read from and written to config.toml. Previous toml library deprecated in favour of toml_tools v2.0.0

sDNA_GH - Improved handling of shapefile fields

Published by JamesParrott over 1 year ago

sDNA_GH - Adds Nurbs Curves to Rhino / GH documents.

Published by JamesParrott over 1 year ago

Better supports shapefiles with zero length links, and writing of their data to User Text

sDNA_GH - Preserve shp data order. Read and write zero length nurbs curves.

Published by JamesParrott over 1 year ago

Dependency on PyShp switched to a new bespoke fork of it: IronPyShp

IronPyshp uses an OrderedDict to preserve the order of fields in shapefiles.
IronPyShp also correctly reads and writes Unicode strings to shapefiles in utf8 (however the shape file format
only supports 255 byte strings).

Zero length polylines could always be written by WriteShp. The issue was creating a valid zero length polyline in the first place in Rhino.
The degree 1 nurbs curves turned out to be perfect for this, as they are not required to adhere to the same validity standards as polylines.
WriteShp now reads Nurbs Curves and writes zero length ones to shapefiles, but ReadShp also adds them as a fallback if writing a polyline fails. If adding a degree 1 nurbs curve fails, only then is the error handling via the validity conditions.

sDNA_GH - Degree-1 Nurbs curves writeable to shapefiles.

Published by JamesParrott over 1 year ago

sDNA_GH - 3D shape files(!), loop links and other invalid polylines triage or skipping.

Published by JamesParrott over 1 year ago

sDNA_GH - Error now contains num of unaddable shape, in its shp file

Published by JamesParrott over 1 year ago

Adding polylines to Rhino and Grasshopper with very closely spaced points, close to the floating point precision, can cause rs.AddPolyLine to raise an 'unable to add polyline to document' error. These closely spaced points are common in GIS co-ordinate systems and shapefiles from public sources.

There is little documentation available to say what the limits are in Rhino, and from experimenting simply with code snippets such as:
rs.AddPolyline([[840103.7448000005, 826915.3969999999], [840102.0987999998, 826918.7357999999], [840100.6714000003, 826921.5581], [840099.2468999997, 826924.4590000007], [840095.2278000005, 826925.2062999997], [840095.2275999999, 826925.2062999997]])

Rhino can be happy with a 2-point, close points polyline, but than an extra point in that polyline can cause this error too.

sDNA_GH - Quieter Noisy Sentinels

Published by JamesParrott over 1 year ago

Quick patch to test a bug fix. Nominal changes.

Internal Sentinel instances no longer raise Errors when their data descriptor methods are accessed (get, set and delete). A user has found the noisy Sentinels complain when Sentinel.__set__ is accessed. There should be no need for a Sentinel's data descriptor methods to be accessed, so this branch hypothesises this is because isinstance is checking instance variables are not data_descriptors.

sDNA_GH - sDNA_GH.... via

Published by JamesParrott about 2 years ago

Made the folder structure a level deeper to use food4rhino's preferred name convention. Unfortunately this breaks backward compatibility so is a major version change (but luckily the previous release was available for less than 24 hours) but all tests have been repeated and passed.

sDNA_GH - sDNA_GH first release

Published by JamesParrott about 2 years ago

sDNA_GH - v0.13

Published by JamesParrott about 2 years ago

Outputs deeper data trees from multi-shape entries in shape files
input and output are no longer options, just function args, to avoid async problems when running mutliple sDNA components due to shared state
Referenced geometry can be plotted and written to shapefiles using a Guid (Id) parameter object.
Reads Shapefile Polygons as closed polylines

sDNA_GH - State_free option. Quantile bugs fixed.

Published by JamesParrott about 2 years ago